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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Winter Camping and Activities :: No go temps
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01/22/2013 05:41PM
At what forecasted temps do cold tent campers say...forget it!
01/22/2013 06:22PM
Haven't ever considered quitting because its cold. So far my buddy and me have camped out in -29 degrees. All I can say is that kind of cold finds any minor fault in your gear. :-)
01/22/2013 07:32PM
A bunch of Hammock Forums members were hanging in Finland, MN last weekend at minus-15. The same group set a record at minus-30 a few years back.
01/23/2013 08:22AM

Daytime highs below 20F. It’s just not fun anymore when things begin to feel like a burden.
Also the nights are way too long at this latitude between Dec 1st and Feb 15th.

01/22/2013 09:26PM
We camped at 39 below our first time, made it out with all toes and fingers so we aren't too scared away by the temps anymore! :)
01/23/2013 08:04AM
Ten years ago it didn't matter (we had great trips in the actual night temps -40 to -50). 4 kids later and a bones/joints a wearing I'd stay put with anything crazy like last weekend. Blizzard winds are fun to watch next to the fireplace :)
01/22/2013 07:21PM
Only postponed a winter trip once--when the forecast lows were in the -40s.
01/22/2013 07:44PM
^40's with a chance of precipitation.
Craig K
01/23/2013 11:17AM
Anything warmer than mid 30's and everything starts to get wet, and that is a bad thing. Day time temps in the mid 20's or colder is great, last year we had -26 our first night (but we had a hot tent)This year we will most likely sleep in our hammocks.

I guess at -40 with the kids and I would have to think about it.
Being prepared is the biggest part of the trip. -staying active is the key to warmth.

01/23/2013 07:32PM

Not so much the temp, but more so if there is a chance of rain or melting. Then I would reconsider a trip.