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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: Paddles as Art
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01/13/2018 12:07AM
Kewl! Looks good!!!
01/12/2018 11:47PM
So my 5 year old came up with the idea that the kids would get Mom a paddle for Christmas (I didn't even prompt him). So of course I had to pick out a Sanborn for her. She had previously said that my Sanborn paddles should get hung up where we would see them, but I never imagined that she would take down her framed photography to hang up the paddles in the most visible wall of our house. Left to right is a Minnesota, a Nessmuk, a Marais, and her new Little Sag. The crew at Sanborn does a great job making these paddles. Will be interesting to see if the art maintains its place on the wall when the paddles are "missing" most of the summer.