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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Listening Point - General Discussion :: I would be such a skairdee cat!
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01/26/2018 01:02PM
My daughter did some of it several years ago. She was with people with no canoe experience. She described it as a very scary trip. My daughter knows a thing or two about scary. Alaskan rivers can be challenging, channels always changing cause lots of strainers. Strainers can be deadly. A pfd wont do you much good.
01/25/2018 09:37AM
So some of the comments are saying he should have gone into the woods and hoped the bear passes him.

I don't know if I've ever heard that. It makes some sense if you can do it safely, but at that close distance, backing into cluttered woods could be dangerous.

I think I would have done the same thing this guy did, but I probably would have not been able to keep filming.
01/25/2018 10:18AM
Duckman: "So some of the comments are saying he should have gone into the woods and hoped the bear passes him.
I don't know if I've ever heard that. It makes some sense if you can do it safely, but at that close distance, backing into cluttered woods could be dangerous.
I think I would have done the same thing this guy did, but I probably would have not been able to keep filming."

Yeah, who knows how they would react in the same situation? But I was referring to some of the comments like "Idiot should be dead," "You're a fool," "You are the trespasser," "Retard," "Even your voice is annoying you stupid S..O..B....," and worse. It's disturbing to read so many hate-filled comments.
01/25/2018 10:33AM
ozarkpaddler: "Duckman: "So some of the comments are saying he should have gone into the woods and hoped the bear passes him.
I don't know if I've ever heard that. It makes some sense if you can do it safely, but at that close distance, backing into cluttered woods could be dangerous.
I think I would have done the same thing this guy did, but I probably would have not been able to keep filming."

Yeah, who knows how they would react in the same situation? But I was referring to some of the comments like "Idiot should be dead," "You're a fool," "You are the trespasser," "Retard," "Even your voice is annoying you stupid S..O..B....," and worse. It's disturbing to read so many hate-filled comments. "

That's YouTube. Many of the threads are rivers of ugliness.

ParkerMag, I also worried about the cubs wanting to play with the tall, chattering critter with the shiny thing in his hand and mama reacting with grizzly fury.

01/25/2018 10:46AM
I think most creatures would be scared except for a mature male grizzly and LT3.
01/25/2018 02:25PM
Quite sure that this is katmai. These bears are used to humans and are interested in salmon, catching and eating salmon. I think the guy filming this has experienced this before. Impressively calm.

Far scarier than bears are comments on the internet. There are some truly horrible people out there.
01/25/2018 11:17AM
Even closer for comfort!
01/25/2018 12:17PM
Zulu: "I think most creatures would be scared except for a mature male grizzly and LT3."
Funny Zulu,
I would be scared s__ _ tless, I think I would have gotten off trail.
Put down my cell phone and, grabed the bearspray.
Something about that video stricks me as odd, the Bears almost seem human conditioned.
01/25/2018 01:42PM
LT3. Great insight. Step off trail and have spray ready! I thought the bear looked somewhat computer generated at first and maybe the video was a hoax. It’s not listed on Snopes and probably is real.
01/25/2018 12:38PM
I was once walking down a trail in Alaska and I encountered LT3 and four full grown grizzly bears that had taken to following him around like cubs. LT3 had a live cougar draped over his shoulders, much like a shawl. He nodded and smiled as he and his menagerie passed. I curtsied, of course.
01/25/2018 05:54PM
That's one big momma griz!

01/26/2018 03:28AM
Zulu: "You never know when one of those normally docile bears could get a toothache or gas pains and associate it with the puny upright creature with small ears and attack. "
LOL! true dat.

01/26/2018 06:50AM
scat: "I like it! That was cool. I like scairdee cat too. Was thinking about this, trying to sort it out, because I was sure I like your version best, but now I just realized I probably would have spelled it scaredy cat. Scairdee cat is way better. Now I know. I like your bears!
But, just so you know, I ain't never been no scaredy cat, nor no scairdee cat neither..."

It is a commonly held belief among linguists that "scat" is an abbreviation for "SCaredy cAT."
01/25/2018 09:07PM
I like it! That was cool. I like scairdee cat too. Was thinking about this, trying to sort it out, because I was sure I like your version best, but now I just realized I probably would have spelled it scaredy cat. Scairdee cat is way better. Now I know. I like your bears!
But, just so you know, I ain't never been no scaredy cat, nor no scairdee cat neither...
01/25/2018 06:48PM
Flight seeing companies in Alaska would take people on bear tours, and knew which bears they could approach.
I talked to people that went on these trips and the pilot would land on a beach close to a Moma Griz and cubs, they would get out of the plane and actually get to within 30-40 feet from the bear and cubs.
I saw the pictures.
Jwartman could be very correct. I know many bears on Katmai and other areas in Alaska are Human Conditioned or at a minmium, very used to humans. I still would not do that or get that close to a Griz, much less a moma with cubs.
01/25/2018 07:10PM
You never know when one of those normally docile bears could get a toothache or gas pains and associate it with the puny upright creature with small ears and attack.
01/26/2018 12:21PM
Yes, that appears to be from Katmai National Park near Brooks Falls I am pretty sure. Was there back in 2010 or so and it is an amazing place to go. Bears in early/mid July are pretty much impossible to avoid, even among the main cabins and campground (surrounded by electric fence). When you get off the plane the first thing they have you do is go through "bear training". It is surprising how quickly you can get used to having them so close, even sows with cubs.

I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance but for the campground you have to book the second reservations open nowadays I have heard.

They even have a canoe route you can do from there. That would be kind of a dream trip for me. Hmmm.....

01/26/2018 12:35PM
heavylunch: "Yes, that appears to be from Katmai National Park near Brooks Falls I am pretty sure. Was there back in 2010 or so and it is an amazing place to go. Bears in early/mid July are pretty much impossible to avoid, even among the main cabins and campground (surrounded by electric fence). When you get off the plane the first thing they have you do is go through "bear training". It is surprising how quickly you can get used to having them so close, even sows with cubs.

I highly recommend going if you ever get the chance but for the campground you have to book the second reservations open nowadays I have heard.

They even have a canoe route you can do from there. That would be kind of a dream trip for me. Hmmm.....


I googled the route: here is the link. Anyone here actually done this route?

01/25/2018 07:51AM
Way too scary!
01/25/2018 08:05AM
Yikes! Cubs could've created real problems for that dude :-O
01/25/2018 08:57AM
Scared the crap out of me! But if you read the comments, it's "Scary" on more than one level, IMHO? All of the "Comments" showing no empathy for a fellow human being? Sad.