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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Solo Tripping :: RENTAL RAPIDFIRE
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01/15/2013 07:25PM
Does any outfitters rent Rapidfire's? My guess is no. I have contacted CCO and VNO. I would like to purchase one but the wife has a problem with the purchase price.
01/15/2013 08:59PM
quote twston: "Does any outfitters rent Rapidfire's? My guess is no. I have contacted CCO and VNO. I would like to purchase one but the wife has a problem with the purchase price."

twston: I doubt anyone in our neck of the woods have any. I know of no rep’s for Placid in our area. Midwest Mtn. had a demo Rapid a couple years ago but opted not to carry them. If you happen to come north to the Twin Cities you are more than welcome to take mine out for a test ride when the ice is out. Maybe YC will chime in as she knows so much about the Rapids. Good luck in your search.

01/16/2013 06:42AM
I've not seen any rentals in the BWCA/Quetico area the past few years. About this time a year ago, I began searching the internet and canoe sites like every couple of days for a Rapidfire. After about a month, I got a hit for one, but missed out because someone had responded quicker than I did. A couple weeks later, I got another hit for one in Texas. Price was very reasonable. Luckily, I was the first guy to reply and ended up sneding the payment and then meeting the fellow in Little Rock a couple months later. Used it for the first time last summer and loved it. With persistence and patience, you may find one...
01/16/2013 02:04AM
Them is purdy boats!

01/15/2013 09:26PM
I don't think Joe Moore has a dealer network or outfitter network outside the Adirondacks (where he does have some) But the last time I spoke with him was in August.

I would give him a holler at the shop. tues-fri 9:30-5:30 Eastern so 8:30-4:30 for you guys.

They sometimes come up for sale but sellers often want a pretty high price on used too..for sure more than I would want to pay for used.