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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Other Canoe Camping Locations :: Anyone canoed Colorado?
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10/03/2011 04:23PM
This site is for a shop in Denver, but it gives you an idea of the kinds of things that can be done.

Canoe Colorado

The North Platte can be a multi day trip. There are not any portage type trips that I am aware of. The backpacking can be spectacular. There are so many possibilities that I would not know where to start. Rocky Mountain National Park is probably the most popular.

I would get to the library and see if they have copies of "Backpacking in Colorado" or another book about hiking Colorado, can't recall the name. If you have more specific desires, let me know and I will try to help, for example, do you want to fish?

09/30/2011 10:58AM
Thinking of taking the boy out to Colorado next year and was curious if anyone had some canoeing expeditions they'd like to share. Or just sites to see or places to camp. I keep picturing waking up on a lake with the mountains in the background.
10/23/2011 09:18AM
Thanks for the input. Definitely getting me going in a direction. For what it's worth, I'm interested in possibly fishing for a day or two, but not the whole trip. Too much to see. Again thanks for some ideas and direction, greatly appreciated.
10/23/2011 12:36PM
new mexico, three days ago. rio grande river.

11/30/2011 02:30AM
quote yellowcanoe: "There is canoeing on the Colorado River in Utah. However you will be looking at canyon walls and not mountains..And the water is not quite crystal clear but somewhat silty.

We just finished up a ten day canoe trip on the Green River. Temps from freezing to 105. "

Which strech of the Green did you paddle?

I have done Deso-Gray in raft, as well as Clifton (upstream from Grand Junction) all the way to Moab, also in a raft.

10/07/2011 11:12PM
There is canoeing on the Colorado River in Utah. However you will be looking at canyon walls and not mountains..And the water is not quite crystal clear but somewhat silty.

We just finished up a ten day canoe trip on the Green River. Temps from freezing to 105.
10/05/2011 03:53PM
I was born very young (obviously), and now am very old. I was born and spent my formative years in Colorado. I never even saw a canoe until we moved to the Midwest!

Colorado is a beautiful place, but not in the same way as the BWCA, Northern Wisconsin or the UP. Much of their water flows down hill, and rapidly!

The opportunity for lazy, early morning lake canoe paddles in Colorado is somewhat limited. That is not to say that there aren't some "lakes" with camp grounds, etc., but comparatively few, considering the enormity of the State. If Minnesota could be called the "Land of 10,000 Lakes," Colorado could be called the "Land of 10 Lakes"

IMHO for what it would cost in extra fuel to haul your canoe the 1000 or so miles to get there, a chance for a morning or two of paddling would not be worth it. Leave your canoe behind, and take the $$ you save on fuel costs for another BWCA or Sylvania trip.

Go the Colorado to visit the mountains, go to Minnesota to visit the lakes.