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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Fishing Forum :: A couple of fall fish from the Q
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10/23/2016 08:58PM
Nice fish guys thanks for sharing the photos :-)
10/23/2016 09:35PM
Dems some beauties, eh? Look like you had a great trip. Ya'll come back, ya hear.
10/21/2016 11:41AM
Couple of fish we caught in Quetico this fall. Nothing too impressive, just a couple guys from the deep south trying to figure out how to fish up here :) All fish are still in the Q waiting to be caught again by the next intrepid fisherman.
10/21/2016 01:19PM
nice pics ! nice fish ! thanks for sharing !
10/24/2016 02:37PM
We caught a fair number of eyes, but just eaters so I didn't post a picture of them. For some reason we just have had no luck with big walleye, the technique for them is so much different than any fish in the south and without bait it's been hard. I really don't know what we should do differently.

Yeah this is our third trip up there and the first time I've tried a wacky rig. It worked great, caught bass, pike, and even a few walleye with it. Believe it or not, I didn't lose a single wacky rig hook, but I came close. I had a pike that I brought up to the bank, it ran against a rock when I went to grab it and snapped my braid. A few minutes later my dad caught a pike with my wacky rig stuck in his mouth lol!

We love this place, it's become an annual trip for us. The only problem with quetico/bwca is that there's some kind of time flux there, it seems to move a lot faster when in the Q.
10/21/2016 12:05PM
Thanks for the pix. What lakes did you fish? Looks like you guys did well.
How long was that Norton?
10/21/2016 02:02PM
Looks like there was some front boatin' going on!

Nice pictures.

10/21/2016 02:48PM
quote AdamXChicago: "Thanks for the pix. What lakes did you fish? Looks like you guys did well.
How long was that Norton?"
We didn't do bad, caught a fair amount of fish every day. We fished Pickerel, French, Ron, Buckingham, Art, and some unnamed lakes. The northern was 39".
10/21/2016 04:29PM
I, too, am from the South, and those were some wonderful fish. Glad you guys had a good trip. Those Smallies are awesome. The Pike and Lake Trout ain't too shabby either. Thanks for sharing.
10/21/2016 03:38PM
OMG, those are beauties!
10/21/2016 07:40PM
Nice work, thanks for sharing!

10/22/2016 07:13AM
Hey you guys got it going on. Glad to see you let the nice ones go.
10/22/2016 07:16AM
Nice fish. It's an added bonus when you can be in one of the most beautiful places in the world and catch fish too.
Savage Voyageur
10/22/2016 06:00AM
Wacky worm from shore looks like the ticket. Thanks
10/22/2016 06:16AM
Yeah I have to agree "not to impressive", if that was as big of fish as you can catch then I'd give up fishing and take up golf. Just kidding of course, those are some really nice fish and glad to hear you released them. I did notice there are no walleye pictures, didn't fish for them? Hopefully you will get time this winter to write up a trip report and we'll get to see some more pictures. In case no one has welcomed you to the board allow me to be the first. FRED
10/22/2016 08:40AM
Some nice, quality fish there! Thanks for sharing.
10/22/2016 07:28PM
Looks like you guys did just fine.
10/22/2016 03:04PM
I think you got it figured out.

Nice fish.