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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Shirt sale
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06/29/2017 07:07AM
I picked up a red Snikwah essential shirt at Canoecopia a couple years ago and have worn it tripping on four trips and some around home. I have enjoyed the turtle neck feature I can pull up keeping off sun and chilly wind and found it a great under layer for a late April trip and not hot on summer paddles locally. My point is it is good stuff and any other's input is requested.

My post is because they were pricey at nearly $60 but when I checked to order a light color for my upcoming trip I found they are on sale for $25. I called and they took the order on the phone, will ship today. I was told the sale will last all summer. I did not link the website to respect advertising issues but did want the community to be aware, if anyone is interested.
06/30/2017 12:38PM
Note that if you wear a shirt tight, the stretching reduces the effectiveness at blocking the sun.

Look like cool shirts, I'm tempted.
06/29/2017 12:45PM
Thanks for the heads up. I bought two-one for myself and the other for my son for our next BWCA trip.
07/07/2017 09:31AM
Thanks for this great deal. Concerned about the "mom pants" some of the models are wearing...I didn't like them in the 1980's and still don't. Looking forward to my shirts arriving though.
07/06/2017 01:36PM
Thanks guys. Boonie please update me how it fits when it arrives.
07/06/2017 03:08PM
I got mine today - one of the hydro-skin rash guard shirts and a regular in the dri-release fabric. The Hydro shirt has more spandex (15% VS. 10%) and a closer fit, while the other is a little looser, although not floppy loose. The sleeves come nearly to my fingertips if fully extended, but are tight enough to stay at wrist, although for me there's some excess fabric, but I have short arms.
07/06/2017 07:55AM
I am 5.11 and 220. Large is comfortable. XL also comfortable and a bit more loose .

07/05/2017 09:08PM
Any size recommendations for a guy who's 5'11" and 175lbs?
07/06/2017 08:55AM
I have not received mine yet, so I can't tell you how M fits me.
07/04/2017 01:05AM
Thanks for the heads up. I like the head and hand coverage of a few of their products. I think they will do great with prmethrin treatment on hot summer nights.

Great Value IMO Thank You

07/04/2017 05:51AM
quote boonie: "Yeah, I usually wear S-M, so I hope the M isn't way too big for a base layer, but it may be. I know the arms will be too long. When you are 5'6", 140 lbs., it's hard to get something that fits well." you should have eaten your vegetables when your mama told you to!
07/04/2017 06:34AM
Well, I should have eaten fewer cheeseburgers, French fries, and milkshakes, that's for sure! :)
06/30/2017 04:21AM
Thanks, I ordered a couple size M, but am uncertain how the sizing works . . . ? But most stuff doesn't fit me real well anyway.
06/30/2017 04:52AM
Sizing is always the uncertainty in online orders. I usually wear XL but am comfortable in the L shirt. Glad the post has been useful.
06/30/2017 06:28AM
Yeah, I usually wear S-M, so I hope the M isn't way too big for a base layer, but it may be. I know the arms will be too long. When you are 5'6", 140 lbs., it's hard to get something that fits well.
06/30/2017 08:35AM
I ordered a couple. They have a sizing chart that I found helpful. You need to decide if you want to wear it as a casual fit (loose) or a compression fit (underlayer) and order accordingly. Thanks for the link.
06/29/2017 08:21AM
I also bought one a couple years ago at Canocopia and really like it. I've used it in the BW and around house. Thanks for the heads up on pricing. I'll probably pick up another one or two.
06/29/2017 08:13PM
Thanks for the info! Gonna pick up at least one