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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: Plywood seats
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05/19/2018 08:45PM
Simple. Aluminum L-brackets riveted to the hull, two 3/4" alum. tube crossbars, and a 10" x 14" piece of 3/8" maple cabinet plywood riveted to the crossbars, varnished. Ultra-light.

Coming around to this. Probably add padding in the form of a cut up RidgeURest pad. Not all canoes need webbing and/or cane.
05/20/2018 07:58AM
those stadium seats with back rest work slick...and you can use them in a tent or sitting on a rock enjoying the day with a cup of jo.

dr bob
05/20/2018 08:01AM
This is the style I am talking about|cid:213417397|agid:13362830317|tid:aud-298035621824:pla-447452938053|crid:92885919757|nw:g|rnd:6014212579085496540|dvc:c|adp:1o2|mt:|loc:9019112&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIieGqj6yU2wIVyLrACh2sKwP3EAQYAiABEgK9YfD_BwE

Find a kind that have straps that you put under the plywood seat to hold it in place when portaging....

dr bob
05/20/2018 08:28PM
Thanks for the tip
05/20/2018 08:45PM
I may have to use your seat idea for a removable center seat for my grand kids to sit on. As I’m currently having a difficult time finding the commercially made one.
05/22/2018 02:19PM
OldFingers57: "I may have to use your seat idea for a removable center seat for my grand kids to sit on. As I’m currently having a difficult time finding the commercially made one. "

OT Drop in Canoe Seats|404_37184|7556120017|none|8e6d0763-0d62-4e0c-aa10-9bc88fdfd852|pla-285398629106&lsft=cm_mmc:PLA_Google_LIA|404_37184|7556120017|none|8e6d0763-0d62-4e0c-aa10-9bc88fdfd852|pla-285398629106&kclid=8e6d0763-0d62-4e0c-aa10-9bc88fdfd852&gclid=CjwKCAjw_47YBRBxEiwAYuKdw8XenSck0ioi_G0beHYMfHfob1urXQ8Klr66c1QpHl5PzlPB63f3pBoCyKAQAvD_BwE

I got a couple of these for the grandkids a few years ago. Got tired of screwing around with boat cushions etc. I hope they are still available. They are flexible enough for various canoes.

dr bob