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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Gear Forum :: MSR Elixir 2 Tent (Update)
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Grandma L
03/21/2015 05:19PM
I am really jealous - next time tell us which Cabala's and we will race you there.
03/21/2015 12:13PM
WOW! What a deal. I have the MSR Mutha Hubba and I love it.
02/22/2015 07:32PM
I looked in the bargain cave and couldn't find it. EDIT**-- I get it-- at a local Cabelas.
02/22/2015 10:24AM
crap:( I knew I should have just grabbed one based on MSR's reputation. I even had $50 in gift cards in my pocket. After 2 hours of wandering around I left empty handed as I'm very good at talking myself out of buying stuff. So, I still have $50 in gift cards to go use. Now if I can find time to get back to the store.

Butthead....... I often start sentences with "If my memory still works" :)
02/21/2015 09:16PM
Anyone have experience with this tent or even any other MSR tents? Good, Bad, or indifferent opinions? I ran into a few of these in a nearby Cabelas Bargain Cave for $121. It would be used mostly for my solo trips with my dog and possibly my trips w/ 1 young daughter to save 3 lbs from my current Taj 3 that I use for those trips. Thanks
02/21/2015 09:28PM
link to that tent msr makes good stuff....hell of a deal! you cant go wrong.
02/22/2015 08:34AM
If my memory still works, nctry's CopperSpur, my MtHardwear Wing, maxxbhp's Alps Tarus, izzy's MSR Elixir, AndySG's MtHardwear Drifter, left to right.
Elixer went thru a hard all nite rain without izzy getting wet. I was impressed with build/material quality, vertical sides, spacious full length fly, criss-crossed main frame poles add lots of strength. At $121 at very good deal, I'm sure you will enjoy.

02/22/2015 07:27PM
got an update?
02/22/2015 08:41PM
do I see a wheeled cooler on blocks?
03/21/2015 07:57AM
Dude, that's a bargain!!!!!!!! It should work well for you and the dog or kid :).
03/20/2015 10:35PM
I finally made it back to Cabelas tonight. Score!!!!!!!!!!!! There was one left and when I checked out it rang up with an additional 20% off so I went home with a $250 tent for $96.
08/15/2017 08:08AM
Bringing back an old thread so don't go running to Cabelas ;)

I just wanted to report that after using this tent on 3 solos and 3 daddy/daughter trips I absolutely love it. All of the reviews and advice were right on.

02/22/2015 08:38PM
quote butthead: " If my memory still works, nctry's CopperSpur, my MtHardwear Wing, maxxbhp's Alps Tarus, izzy's MSR Elixir, AndySG's MtHardwear Drifter, left to right.
Elixer went thru a hard all nite rain without izzy getting wet. I was impressed with build/material quality, vertical sides, spacious full length fly, criss-crossed main frame poles add lots of strength. At $121 at very good deal, I'm sure you will enjoy.


Southern stereotype.....Maxx's "dwelling" has the most junk piled around it :)
02/23/2015 06:34AM
quote kanoes: "got an update?"

Ha ha... I'm going with the "if it's meant to be, one will still be there when I go back" train of thought. It's about 20/25 min. away so it takes a decent chunk of time to get there and back and I'm not going that direction for anything anytime soon. Kids have soccer, literacy night at school, dance, and basketball the next four nights and heading out of town the other direction this weekend.
02/22/2015 07:51AM
Agreed! MSR is a quality maker and I'm sure you'll be very happy, especially at that price. Go get it immediately before it's gone ;).
02/22/2015 10:08AM
quote ducks: "I ran into a few of these in a nearby Cabelas Bargain Cave for $121."
if I were you id buy them all and flip the extras for a profit, cheapest ive seen online is $250 . it would make for a nice trip fund. :)

02/22/2015 10:34AM
find time? MAKE TIME!
02/22/2015 10:46AM
I don't even need one and I was tempted to buy one at that price . . . just because :).