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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: Foil condiments
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02/01/2006 04:49PM
I did a little searching online and here is one place that you can buy cases of the foil condiments. Not sure if you were looking to buy this many at a time, but they are relatively cheap.

I will continue looking and let you know if I find anything else.
Arkansas Man
02/02/2006 07:30AM
your local Wal-Mart Deli... Buy a hot dog, ham burger, or chicken strips and grab a few extra mayo's, and relish... I offered to buy some from them, and they told me they could not sell them individually, and just do that. The other alternative is going to a wholesaler and buy in bulk!

Mark Lawyer
02/02/2006 08:15PM

You'll have to look around their website, but I found condiment packets. They also have everything else you could ever need in "portable" foods.
02/02/2006 09:05AM
There is a website called that I have used in the past. It was developed by a family whom when they went on vacations, they noticed at the end of their trip they were throwing away all sorts of left over condiments. It is a really cool website.

They have all kinds of different things you can buy from single packets of catsup and mustard to personal tolietries. The neat thing is that if you buy over $20 worth of stuff, they throw in free shipping.
Wooly Bugger
02/02/2006 09:15AM
Thanks for the sites/info. That minimus site looks like just the thing! I was trying to avoid "stealing" the condiments, he he.
Wooly Bugger
02/01/2006 04:10PM
Anyone know where I can find foil packs of mayo, tabasco, mustard, relish, ketchup, etc. like you get in restaurants?
Please don't say Sam's club, I won't shop there :)
02/02/2006 01:02AM
Really though, why not just grab an extra one or two packets each time you go out to eat? That is what I do. I don't go through that many condiments during a trip or maybe I just eat fast food too much. The mayonnaise and the tarter sauce are the hardest to find and I make sure to grab an extra one or two if I find them, and if you can get your hands on some of the packs of peanut butter or jelly packs be sure to fill you pockets. ;)
It is sure a lot easier than buying a case of the stuff and having a 20 year supply of foil pouched ketchup.
Wooly Bugger
02/01/2006 04:37PM
I'm in St. Paul, MN...
I can just see me walking past the condiment bar and grabbing a few mayos or ketchups every so often for the next few months. I want to avoid that if possible :) I might just ask one the local places if I can buy some from them though.
02/01/2006 04:27PM
Restaurants! Lol...

Other than that I would try a local co-op that sells to other grocery stores in your area. Or a food service company..I'm not sure where you are so I can't give you specifics, but they are relatively easy to find.

Seriously though, if you are cheap like me, a lot of the good ones can be picked up at your local restaurants and saved over the months.