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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: Coffee Again
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01/27/2015 06:08PM
Do you think we can come up with a coffee that just screams North Woods every time we drink it? Let's brainstorm.

One possible option would be maple syrup in the coffee. I really want to try this sometime.
02/08/2015 02:20PM
If it was just me, I'd probably do the Starbucks via, but No. 1 Son roasts his own coffee. He brings the beans, a grinder and an Aeropress. Nice morning ritual, plus the little coffee pucks are easily disposed of in the morning campfire, and the coffee tastes wonderful. In the evenings, we might add a little Bailey's to enhance the flavor and the mood.
02/08/2015 03:46PM
quote CrookedPaddler1: "We might consider grinding a few balsam and white pine needles into the grounds! "

Ya, remember Euell Gibbons, "Some parts of pine trees are edible"
02/07/2015 06:35PM
I have my preferred variety. But, any coffee cooked over a fire is the best in the world. I bring a percolator, its my luxury item.
01/30/2015 03:27PM
I'm with Botanyguy. Plain cowboy coffee. (I add grounds to cold wate and bring it to a boil though) Here's what makes it "northwoodsy" for me; cooking it on an open fire.

And then, I don't go crazy scrubbing the black off, and every now and then at home I cook some in that pot and it gives off this wonderful wood smoke aroma. I can close my eyes and I'm sitting at a camp fire. Might make myself a pot tomorrow morning! Not sure if my pot has any odor left though!

02/08/2015 12:15PM
quote schweady: "quote Spartan2: "It isn't the flavor, it's the view."
+1. VIA is our choice, too.
...because it's also just a little bit the flavor. :)

Well, yeah. . .I suppose. And I still love a cup of hot chocolate in the morning, too. But I don't want to fuss with coffee. Breakfast is our big meal of the day, usually, but coffee is convenient.
Big Tent
02/07/2015 04:47PM
quote builditbetter22: "Coffee flavored coffee for me as well, nothing says woods to me more than a fresh cup of percolated coffee"

Same here. Dark roast coffee by the lake!
02/08/2015 06:39AM
I don't need a special coffee. We take Starbucks VIA (instant) and we have to have decaf for health reasons. But a cup of that sitting on a rock overlooking a misty morning in canoe country is the best flavor I can imagine. In fact, I don't think any of your French press or percolator or cowboy coffee would seem like an improvement to me. :-) It isn't the flavor, it's the view.

02/08/2015 09:10AM
quote Spartan2: "It isn't the flavor, it's the view."
+1. VIA is our choice, too.
...because it's also just a little bit the flavor. :)

01/27/2015 06:33PM
Folgers with just a bit of honey ! I love it made in the old perk pot. Mmmmmmm
01/27/2015 07:46PM
If by 'North Woods' you mean Canadian, I would add a Canadian whiskey (such as Crown Royal) to the coffee, sweetening with maple sugar. No heavy or whipped cream, because you're roughing it, after all. This would be best with espresso from something like a Bialetti Moka Express or Aeropress.
01/27/2015 08:54PM
Just mix the equal parts coffee grounds, beef tallow and jerky. Pack into a rawhide bag until ready to eat. Eat with Ships Biscuit.

Coffee. Voyageur-Style. If that doesn't scream "North Woods", I don't know what does!

Or a french press is nice .. I find.
01/28/2015 11:41AM
I don't know if I will be the minority opinion in the thread or not, but I absolutely detest flavored coffee. I enjoy COFFEE-flavored coffee. The only time I will add anything to my coffee is when stopping a a convenience store while traveling, and the coffee has been sitting on the heating element for hours. At that point, the beverage is merely a caffeine delivery system, and flavoring is necessary to make it palatable.

For me, northwoods coffee is camp coffee. I make mine with a medium to medium-dark roast, freshly ground just prior to brewing. A pot of water brought to a boil, a handful of ground coffee thrown in, and then taken off the heat to brew for 4-5 minutes. A little cold water added to settle the grounds, and that is how I start my day! A French press is acceptable for a cup that is a bit more refined and less chunky.

02/05/2015 04:54PM
Well, you should start with North Woods Coffee made cowboy style, stirred with a stick off the ground. Mmmmmmm.
01/28/2015 01:12PM
We might consider grinding a few balsam and white pine needles into the grounds!
01/31/2015 07:11PM
The experts say scent is part of taste, so for me the smell of pine wood smoke is a big part of the taste of the north woods. I too go for cowboy coffe, though I reckon if I add the grounds after the boil instead of before, and thenpour through a small mesh strainer, it's really no different tha a french press. I like black, but consider milk/cream, sugar, or whiskey to be acceptable additives.
01/29/2015 06:51PM
Coffee flavored coffee for me as well, nothing says woods to me more than a fresh cup of percolated coffee