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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: BWCA Food and Recipes :: peanutbutter-honey-butter
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06/06/2015 02:14AM
I take a couple of those self-fill tubes of peanutbutter-honey-butter along on our canoe trips, we usually squeeze them into a pita pocket. No real measurements on how much p-butter to honey to butter, I just put a bunch of each on a plate and start to mix them together, just make sure it's thin enough to squeeze out. I'm pretty sure my cardiologist would roll her eyes to even hear of this but she's not going so will never know. FRED
06/06/2015 07:08AM
Thanks for the new idea, Fred.
06/10/2015 06:45PM
I always take pb and honey, my favorite sandwiches, I use round flat bread, don't have to worry about it getting smashed in my pack.
06/09/2015 05:01PM
Food tubes! Good for lots of things. PB & honey...natures goodness!
Squeeze tubes