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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Kayaking :: Suggested Kayak Route/Fewest Portages
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04/20/2015 08:51PM
My plans changed and I ended up taking a 2nd trip in August as a fathers/sons trip, so no solo kayak. One of the routes I looked at seriously was going down the Isabella River through Bald Eagle through Gabbro and then down the Kawishiwi. I added a spring creek kayak yoke to my kayak this year, planning to take it instead of a solo canoe in June. I'll let you know how the portaging goes and try to get some pictures posted.
03/27/2013 07:31AM
You could do a Fall Lake entry. Two portages that are wheeled so if you bring a collapsible cart you could cart your kayak. My buddy and me have done this several times over the years. Just make way for the motor boat carts those guys typically can move faster.

Or try a Moose lake to Ensign trip. Not sure how far you want to go but there's some decent distance to it for starters.
Buck Mustard
03/25/2013 10:35PM
If you want to do lots of paddling, Sag is probably the best. You can really go far on Sag without portaging. The Sag-Red Rock-Alpine-Seagull loop is pretty easy in a kayak. You can often avoid the Alpine-Seagull portage by running the rapids.

The Numbered Lakes is a good kayak route also. Clearwater, if you are not looking to go too many miles. Also, the Sawbill area.
03/27/2013 09:23AM
Head up to Beaverhouse, one short portage your in Quetico Lake can spend a month exploring. As far as that goes you could explore the west end of Beaverhouse.
03/27/2013 12:46PM
Happy birthday a bit late. Moose into Knife or Basswood offers lots of options with only a couple portages. Basswood I have not done yet, motor boats are not my favorite but better since they do not leave the stink they did in the past. I do not mind the portages, just plan and pack for them.
04/24/2015 09:39PM
Even though you are not going with the yak, wife and I did the numbered lakes as our 1st yak trip - 2 short portages and it was fun.
02/17/2014 01:21PM
What have you decided on for a route? We took kayaks five years ago on a route with five portages on it. . .it was a disaster. This last year two of the guys brought 12 foot kayaks. The physically could not pick them up and needed other peoples help in portaging them. And they did not even get half their gear in them. . .the rest went in other peoples canoes.

that being said. . .I would love to do a trip with kayaks if it could be done with no portages. I have looked at the numbered lakes, as well as Seagull. Let me know what you come up with.

(Probably should just ask you this at home as I am only 5 miles from you!)
03/25/2013 10:16PM
Looking to do my first solo this summer and want to take my kayak instead of a canoe. Planning to pack lightweight but also looking to avoid portages as much as possible. This would be a fishing/solo test/kayak test trip. I was looking at the South Kawishiwi River area which looked like I could cover a lot of water without much portaging. Any other suggestions?
03/28/2013 01:34AM
All great suggestions, I'm busy researching all of them from old posts on the board. Thanks everyone.
04/13/2015 08:34PM
Did you decide on a route? I would like to do a solo kayak trip as well and I am interested in your results.