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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: BWCA Hanging :: shug's u-tube video's
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01/12/2014 05:18PM
I think his use of pop tarts is a good idea too.
01/13/2014 05:37PM
Too bad he won't try a BW canoe trip. He's a hiker through and through. I really like that pack of his.

His videos are very well produced and he does some very creative things with the camera. I like when he walks it at ground level and will even submurge it in water. Then there's his trick of throwing and spinning the camera up in the air and using slow motion playback. Cool stuff and he rarely gets boring.

01/13/2014 02:48PM
quote Exo: "Shug has gotten me to give alcohol stoves a try."

Me too. They work!
01/13/2014 09:40AM
Shug has gotten me to give alcohol stoves a try.
01/12/2014 08:37PM
Shug's videos were my primer when I first got into hanging and, they later got me into winter hanging. They're both informative and entertaining. I still cannot figure out how he holds the camera and does some of his stunts at the same time.

Here's a link to Shug's video series for newbies: Shug's video series
01/12/2014 02:50PM
spent part of my afternoon being entertained by shug on some of his u-tube trips, entertaining and funny. i like his simple approach to camping.
i also am a fan of hawk-vittles.