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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: BWCA Hanging :: Couple ?s before pulling the trigger
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08/07/2015 12:08PM
I know I just said it in another thread, but you really should've given the Warbonnet Ridge Runner a shot...the bridge hammocks are off the hook comfy. But anything beats the hard, cold, root filled ground. :)
06/29/2015 05:51AM
Fit those UQs correctly and life is goodly.
Carry forth.

Fitting a Partial UQ to Hammock

Underquilts on Blackbird
06/18/2015 09:47AM
quote unshavenman: "ParkerMag, you have outfitted yourself most wonderfully and probably won't be lacking for much of anything for sometime to come! Now it's just a matter of pimpin' your hang with little things like kevlar tree straps and such!
Glad to hear! I'm all about the "pimpin'" part, and stuff like Kevlar, titanium, etc. really gets me worked up!
06/17/2015 10:46PM
ParkerMag, you have outfitted yourself most wonderfully and probably won't be lacking for much of anything for sometime to come! Now it's just a matter of pimpin' your hang with little things like kevlar tree straps and such!

06/17/2015 10:49PM
I find the Superfly to be not too large for most locations I encounter, and I love the coverage. Really it's footprint isn't overly large. The Superfly is the same as the Mamajamba but with the doors, and you can always tuck the doors inside out of the way when not needed, so why not go Superfly?

06/11/2015 11:48AM
Duplicate post. Sorry.
06/11/2015 12:16PM
Is one of WarBonnet's tarps (Superfly?) the way to go?

I love my superfly, I may buy an additional smaller tarp without doors and all that.

Also, on the under and top quilts, essentially the same question...WarBonnet, Enlightened Equipment, someone else? Not sure I understand or appreciate the partial length feature of their Yeti underquilt.
I also love my Hammock Gear Incubator, trying to decide who to go with on a TQ, but I am leaning Towards Hammock Gear.

I what else do I need if I'm hoping to knock this out in one fell swoop? Anything suspension-wise, pad(s), storage/packing-wise, other?

Check out Dutchware, if you like DIY type stuff, you can get set up with a great, light weight set up for pretty dang cheap.

I use a Nylon Webbing strap looped through itself with an aluminum toggle attached to a whoopie sling. for Hammock suspension.
For tarp I have Zing it attached to each end of my tarp and use Tarp Flyz to attach instead of a knot.
06/11/2015 09:34PM
I couldn't imagine knocking it out in one fell swoop. There is a learning/experiencing curve here that I actually enjoy going through, and I know enough now to know that I'm not done yet. Currently I have the Hennessy Ultralight Backpacker hammock because frankly it was in the REI Scratch N Dent room for $99.00 and the only thing wrong was that it was missing the straps. It is a really well made hammock and I've converted it to whoopies and added DutchWare gear kevlar straps for hanging. Do I wish I had a Warbonnet Blackbird? Yes, if only because everybody who has one loves it. As stated by others, unless you plan on trying to use a pad instead of an under quilt you don't need the double layer in a hammock. After doing some research I went with a HG Incubator 20 under quilt because to me it seemed like the best deal for a full length quilt. I wanted full length so I wouldn't have to worry about keeping my lower leg area warm with supplemental pads. I was using my down sleeping bag for a bit as a top quilt but just recently bought an unused UGQ Flight Jacket 30 top quilt from the Hammockgear forums which will shave 12 oz. from my packed weight. Finally I've been adding DutchWare fleaz and under quilt hooks and other baubles to it all. For me at least it never seems to end.......Have fun!!!
06/11/2015 09:55PM
Oh yeah, I forgot to add, I went with the Warbonnet Superfly and LOVE IT.
06/11/2015 07:42AM
Thanks, folks. Very helpful. Believe I'm ready to launch!
06/11/2015 11:48AM
The main benefit of the 3/4 length underquilt is space savings (and a slight weight savings) in your pack ... IF you carry a separate sit pad to place under your legs at night.

I have a WBBB 1.7 DL and love it. I like the Yeti u/q but found that I spent a lot of time adjusting it. Then, changed to a full-length u/q and like that much better.

Warbonnet's quality and service are top notch.
06/11/2015 12:13AM
A lot of the answers to your questions also have to do with cost and weight.

If you aren't planning on using a pad, then you may want to consider going with a 1.7 SL for lighter weight, or perhaps you like the feel of the 1.1 better.

As for a tarp, there are a lot of options mostly based on coverage type, weight, and cost. If you want doors that is something else to consider. Cuben Fiber is the lightest, but also the most expensive.

I like the 3/4 length UQ from Brandon, but I don't have the issue of my legs getting cold. I also have a heavier full length, again it is a question for me about weight.

TQ is a matter of comfort. I went with HG because of the weight again, but there are a lot of quality products out there that you may want to consider.

Most importantly, you have decided to join the club. Go over to Hammock Forums for more information than you could ever imagine.

Suspension, I love going the whoopie route. It takes me all of about 10 seconds to get each side ready.

06/10/2015 09:48AM
That is a lot of questions and I will do my best. First realize that some of what you are asking is solely personal preference. I will start by saying I have the blackbird 1.7dl and superfly. I haven't looked at hammocks since buying it. The superfly tarp gives great coverage if you find yourself in a windy cold trip. The underquilt and top quilts are one of those personal questions. I own a jarbidge synthetic quilt and a DIY down full length. I prefer the jarbidge during most of the summer. With a shorter underquilt you will need a small pad for the back of your legs, I use an inflatable rei sit pad that I use for everything. Top quilts are the same story, I started with a mummy synthetic bag and transitioned to a DIY down top quilt. Take a look at the dimensions, I let a buddy use my topquilt and he hated it as I like a snug bag and he did not like the constricted feeling. With the temperature rating you can always vent them to cool off and on the other side you can always wear some extra clothes if cold. I Have the strap suspension and love it my previous hammock had and whoopie slings and I liked it until I tried the straps. The straps are soo fast and easy.
06/10/2015 08:56AM
For a variety of reasons I've committed to changing to a hammock from a tent while camping and tripping. Believe I'm headed in the direction of a 1.1 DL Blackbird. That said though, I have a couple questions regarding accompanying goodies. Is one of WarBonnet's tarps (Superfly?) the way to go? Also, on the under and top quilts, essentially the same question...WarBonnet, Enlightened Equipment, someone else? Not sure I understand or appreciate the partial length feature of their Yeti underquilt. Is there value there that I don't understand yet? I'm mostly a shoulder season tripper. Should I think along the same temp. rating lines I do for my sleeping bags...20-32 degrees? Finally (I think!), what else do I need if I'm hoping to knock this out in one fell swoop? Anything suspension-wise, pad(s), storage/packing-wise, other?
08/06/2015 07:19PM
quote ParkerMag: "quote unshavenman: "I couldn't imagine knocking it out in one fell swoop. There is a learning/experiencing curve here that I actually enjoy going through, and I know enough now to know that I'm not done yet." Appreciate, get, and agree with your point completely. I only meant I want to get on the beginning of that curve in one shot, rather than own a hammock and no quilts or tarps and be effectively aced out of even being able to use it yet.

Update...ordered the Blackbird and Superfly tarp, as well as an Enlightened Equipment 20 degree Revelation Pro, and 20 degree full-length Revolt Pro. Threw some Dutchware goodies in with the WarBonnet order too.

You've all been a big help so far, and I really appreciate it. I'm sure I'll be back to you for more answers as I negotiate the curve. Thanks again."

Great choice on quilts! I just ran across this thread. I own a revelation pro and a revolt elite. I have yet to use the UQ, both are 20° quilts. I am extremely happy with my revelation pro, it's very warm, light and packs down to almost nothing! I think you'll be happy you chose enlightened equipment.
I have a Clark NX-250, so I can't comment on the hammock, but I did upgrade to their largest tarp, the vertex, and love having the extra coverage. If the space is smaller, just pitch the tarp at a steeper angle.
08/07/2015 07:38AM
quote Shug: "Fit those UQs correctly and life is goodly.
Carry forth.

Fitting a Partial UQ to Hammock

Underquilts on Blackbird "

This is very important. I always just hung my UQ, got in my sleeping bag, zipped up and fell asleep. Always comfortable.

My last trip I treated my Bag as a Top Quit and slept with my back directly on the hammock, with my UQ nice and snug underneath me and positioned correctly. I was HOT!! in 30 degree weather, and I am quite positive it may have dipped into the upper 20's as it snowed.

I have a Hammock Gear Incubator and love it. I will probably go with one of their top quilts as well when I decide to finally pull that trigger.

For the tarp, I went with the Superfly and am very happy.
06/12/2015 07:59AM
quote unshavenman: "Oh yeah, I forgot to add, I went with the Warbonnet Superfly and LOVE IT."


I too recently ordered a Warbonnet hammock, and it's being delivered today! I got the yeti underquilt as I prefer that to a pad. But I held off on getting a tarp because I wanted to see how the thing sets up before speculating on which tarp I wanted. I am torn between the Superfly and the Mamajamba.

I am moving from a Clark nx150, which comes with a smaller tarp. My concern is that I won't like the larger tarps because they are tougher to hang in tight quarters, which is sometimes your only option on a trip. Are you concerned about the size of the Superfly at all?

06/12/2015 08:24AM
quote unshavenman: "I couldn't imagine knocking it out in one fell swoop. There is a learning/experiencing curve here that I actually enjoy going through, and I know enough now to know that I'm not done yet." Appreciate, get, and agree with your point completely. I only meant I want to get on the beginning of that curve in one shot, rather than own a hammock and no quilts or tarps and be effectively aced out of even being able to use it yet.

Update...ordered the Blackbird and Superfly tarp, as well as an Enlightened Equipment 20 degree Revelation Pro, and 20 degree full-length Revolt Pro. Threw some Dutchware goodies in with the WarBonnet order too.

You've all been a big help so far, and I really appreciate it. I'm sure I'll be back to you for more answers as I negotiate the curve. Thanks again.