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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Doggie Paddle :: Please Send Good Vibes
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08/06/2014 10:31PM
Aw, I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

RIP, Badger!
08/06/2014 09:38PM
When I lost Murphy my first border collie when he was 11, I found all the good pics I had and scanned them and along with some short video made a Rememberence DVD that was set to music.

At the end, my wife and I both wrote how we felt about him and how much he would be missed. About once a year we will watch it and it brings his memory alive and it's truly a happy moment.

08/08/2014 05:15PM
I got his ashes back today. Very bittersweet. I'm so happy to have him back, but it made me very sad.
08/10/2014 07:22PM
I am deeply sorry for the loss of your dog, Goldenbadger. A very tough loss of a family member.
Ho Ho
08/04/2014 01:44PM

So sorry! Dogs are the best, it has to be so hard to have said goodbye for the last time. But Badger obviously had the very best life - and looks very distinguished in glasses, too! You will always have your memories of life with Badger, and know you gave him the best life possible.

08/05/2014 06:59AM
It's going to take a long time to heal from this one. I went to work yesterday and whenever anyone would ask about him, I would burst into tears. I had to leave early. Some knew what had happened and were offering condolences. Others just knew he had been sick and were asking about him.
Now my other golden, Willow, is sick. She has bad diarrhea and an earache. The earache is from swimming in the river on Sunday. I'm not sure the cause of the diarrhea. That came on Sunday morning, before we went to the river. She really is not herself. She seems sad. I don't know if it's because of Badger, or if it's just because she doesn't feel good. She won't even play ball, which is not like her at all. She lives and breathes ball playing.
08/05/2014 07:04AM
This is Willow and I on the Basswood River. Willow is Badger's daughter.

08/09/2014 06:41AM
quote mooseplums: "quote Goldenbadger: " "

I love this...what a great dog"

He hadn't had his second cup of coffee yet and was a little put off that I was disturbing him and his book by taking pictures of him...again.
08/09/2014 06:16AM
quote Goldenbadger: " "

I love this...what a great dog
08/02/2014 10:08PM
Cancer sucks. I've lost two Goldens to cancer. Offering our deepest sympathy on your loss of Badger. In time you'll find comfort in your memories of the special times you shared. It's so difficult to lose our best friends. So sorry for your loss.
08/04/2014 06:00AM
So sorry:(. Losing a dog is so hard. I love the photos! He was a beautiful dog.
08/04/2014 08:05AM
So very sorry for your loss. May your memories bring you peace.

08/03/2014 06:08PM
quote TomT: "Dogs are the absolute best. Very tough to lose a friend like that. But, it's all a part of the circle. Feel free to post a lot more pics. Sorry for your loss."

Ok. Here are some more pics. He was beautiful.

08/03/2014 06:17PM

08/03/2014 05:20PM
Dogs are the absolute best. Very tough to lose a friend like that. But, it's all a part of the circle. Feel free to post a lot more pics. Sorry for your loss.
08/02/2014 08:17AM
Sending all the mojo I can. Get well soon Badger.

08/02/2014 07:22AM
My older dog, Badger, has been very sick for about three weeks now. We have been going to the vet 2-3 times/week. The vet believes it is a flare-up of anaplasmosis (a tick disease like lymes). I am sick with worry about it. I hate seeing him so miserable. He is almost 11 and is in pretty rough shape. Anyway, I leave for the BW in about 3 weeks. I don't take him along (I always take our younger dog), but planned on taking him to the kennel. I won't do that if he's still not feeling well. I have a neighbor girl that sometimes watches my dogs and I'm hoping she will be able to do it. But I'm going to feel awful leaving no matter what. Anyway, I'm asking all of you to keep him in your thoughts and send him some good vibes.

08/02/2014 05:38PM
Thinking of you and Badger
08/02/2014 06:54PM
Best wishes, hate them ticks
08/02/2014 06:55PM
I took Badger to Madison to the vet today. They found his lungs full of cancer. They said there was nothing more they could do for him. He was so miserable. I had to have him put to sleep. I am beyond sad tonight. He was my best friend and the best dog ever.
08/02/2014 07:11PM
SO Sorry GB!
Itchy Menace
08/02/2014 08:31AM
08/02/2014 10:39PM
So very, very sorry for your loss.
08/03/2014 03:53PM
Oh no! So sorry for your loss
08/03/2014 04:22PM
Thank you, everyone. I loved that dog fiercely, with all my heart. He was my rock. I tried so hard to help him these past few weeks. Yet there was nothing I could do. He had a good life and was loved dearly all of his days.
08/03/2014 06:10PM

08/03/2014 06:12PM

08/03/2014 06:15PM

08/03/2014 06:29PM

08/02/2014 08:47PM
I'm so very sorry. Wishing you lots of warm, furry memories.