Boundary Waters Trip Reports, Blog, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog

January 07 2025

Entry Point 50 - Cross Bay Lake

Cross Bay Lake entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Gunflint Ranger Station near the city of Grand Marais, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 45 miles. Access is thru the Cross River with two portages to Ham Lake and a 24-rod portage to Cross Bay Lake. This area was affected by blowdown in 1999.

Number of Permits per Day: 3
Elevation: 1670 feet
Latitude: 48.0760
Longitude: -90.8222
Cross Bay Lake - 50

Rainy day people

by TuscaroraBorealis
Trip Report

Entry Date: May 28, 2016
Entry Point: Skipper and Portage Lakes
Exit Point: Cross Bay Lake (50)
Number of Days: 8
Group Size: 3

Trip Introduction:
This year’s spring trip starts at Skipper Lake and takes us out through Cross Bay Lake. We’ll encounter several tough portages and our fair share of inclement weather but, also experience and create several indelible memories as well. The aptly named trip title is in homage of Gordon Lightfoot’s song.

Day 2 of 8

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Having spent the previous night at Tuscarora Lodges bunkhouse #1, we are up early doing some last minute packing before heading over for the French toast breakfast. Soon after we are loading up one of Tuscarora’s vehicles so we can be shuttled over to Poplar Lake. It’s cool and skies are gray as we push off but, at least it isn’t raining. After a brief paddle, still brimming with excitement, we arrive at our first portage of the day; the 320 rod trail to Skipper Lake.

This end starts with a climb, and there are a number of mud holes and shorter climbs along the way. I find an accommodating sitting rock (closer to the Skipper side) that provides both comforts for my long legs and has a concave depression that seems made just for my backside. Bugs are a nuisance the whole way across but, the landing proves to be even worse! All appearances suggest that Skipper is a lovely lake but, it is difficult to fully appreciate the scenery since the fog and mist are still so heavy.

A bit of luck finds us as we are able to paddle right through the ‘rapids’ that occasionally necessitate the 20 rod portage into Little Rush Lake. It is spring and there has been plenty of rain recently, so I think it’s safe to say water levels are higher than normal. Still, dependent on how particular one is about scratches on their canoes (and getting their feet wet), I think a canoe could be walked through here in all but the driest of conditions.

Our next portage, into Rush Lake, is a winding path that has a steep rocky hill to surmount. Once back in the canoe, we enjoy the beautiful scenery unfolding before us as we paddle west down this long waterway. We paddle past a couple of sites that don't overly impress us. Since our target is the west end of Banadad Lake, we just quickly note it for a possible future trip to the area. At our next portage there is a charning little bridge where the Banadad ski trail intersects this diminutive trail. Since it is so short, there is no confusion as it is obvious which path is the portage; as along with the babbling brook, it helps provide an idyllic scene. There is some fish spawn (eggs) clearly visible in the shallow water here that provide an interesting diversion/learning opportunity for Aurora. There doesn't seem to be a clear cut landing point here, it appears that people take out where ever is convenient. As it is, I take the packs across the bridge and, then carry the canoe right up the creek - bypassing the bridge.

Banadad is a narrow, almost riveresque body of water, and we are all instantly smitten with this little jewel. Unfortunately our spirits are dampened a bit as the ominous sighting of canoes near the western end of the lake indicate that those sites are occupied. Retreating, we paddle back to claim the island site near mid-lake. It is certainly nothing special but, it will have to do. The fire grate/kitchen area is severely sloped, all the tent pads are plagued with large protruding roots, and there is a precipitous drop just a few feet from the front side of the fire grate. Still, we determine to make the best of it!

Its seasoned pork tenderloin, potatoes and rehydrated green beans for supper. Afterwards, Vickie is anxious to give her new Old Scout reflector oven a try. She quickly bakes up an indulgent chocolate cake for dessert. The oven exceeds expectations, and she is happy with the speed and efficiency this method provides. Later on, the increasing intensity of the rain showers chases us to the warm sanctuary of our sleeping bags in the tent.

Poplar Lake, Skipper Lake, Little Rush Lake, Rush Lake, Banadad Lake


Day 4 of 8

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The rain continues throughout the night into the morning. We linger in the tent hopeful the incessant pitter patter will subside. It doesn’t. Finally, our sore muscles and full bladders force us towards the inevitable. I get breakfast going as rain persists on and off throughout the morning hours. We hang around camp as I process some firewood for a hopeful fire later but, mostly we’re just a bunch of dead beats sitting around. Finally Vickie suggests we go out for a paddle just to get out of camp.

It is still cold but the rain has mostly stopped for now. There is a little chop out on the lake but, nothing too serious. We paddle for the western end where we find the island site still occupied. We then paddle back into the northern arm continuing our exploratory route around the lake. The campsite there is open, so we decide to check it out. It doesn’t look like much from out on the lake but, once we get past the constricted landing and up to the fire grate a decent site with a couple of nice tent pads is revealed. It’s nothing special but, when compared with ours, it looks very plush. There are even several orchids beginning to bloom on the fringes.

Continuing on, we head for the Sebeka portage trail. I’ve heard this one is a real beast, and figure we can scout it out since we’ll be heading this way tomorrow. The landing is full of chewed up beaver sticks and Vickie & Aurora have a grand ol’ time inspecting them. Vickie even finds a nice diamond willow, while I spot something altogether different. It’s a tiny mud turtle. It could not have possibly hatched yet this year, so it must be a yearling. I hand it to Aurora and watch her play & gaze upon it with fascinated curiosity. When finished, she also freely puts it back where I had picked it up at and tells it to, “Go find your mommy, little turtle.”

Afterwards, we hike the portage trail. I tell Aurora she needs to practice how to safely walk around the big mud holes that are located throughout. Both Vickie & I unwittingly discover some knee deep pockets of muck but, fortunately, Aurora proves she has learned the needed lessons on the return trip.

There is no hurry as we paddle back, as our exploratory excursion continues. We take time to check out the rock wall just west of our site and circle around the back side of our scenic little island before returning to camp. Even though the clouds are finally beginning to break up, it proves exceedingly difficult to get (and keep) a decent fire going with our damp, wet wood. Per usual the bugs are once again a persistent annoyance but, we do enjoy not having to huddle under the tarp for a change. left" >

Of course Aurora has packed in some of her toys, and while she doesn’t totally neglect them; it’s fascinating to note the she consistently seems more enthralled and entertained by the various rocks & sticks that she discovers. A noteworthy item is a chunk of wood that she calls her hammer.

Banadad Lake, Sebeka Lake


Day 5 of 8

Thursday, May 26, 2022 It was move day again and I woke with apprehension heavy on my mind. I knew a few of the portages we would do today as we moved toward Omega Lake would test Krystal. Her dominant right leg was still not up to snuff from the blunt force trauma she endured during the accident. From what I read, the portage from Muskeg to Kiskadinna had a steep climb with big steps to Billy goat up. With her weak right leg, I wasn’t sure she could bear the weight of her gear as she made her way up. [paragraph break] I voiced my concerns as we slowly broke down camp and made breakfast. She felt confident she could do the portages at her own pace. I knew she would tell me if she needed any help, so we moved on with prepping for move until some company came over to our site.[paragraph break] [paragraph break] Another lovely loon couple swam over to investigate us and the dogs. They preened and chirped and scanned the waters below. Dobby was in heaven again as he watched his feathered friends from shore. It was a lovely sendoff as we departed the site. [paragraph break] No rain was promised for the day as we slowly paddled under a dim grey sky to the eastern end of Long Island Lake. This was our first time seeing this part of the lake and the landscape was stunning. The mixture of burn and heavily wooded islands inspired awe at every turn. [paragraph break] Once we made it down the channel to the portage to Muskeg Lake, the work part of the day tumbled out before us. A boulder strewn landing greeted us and one by one, we pulled our gear and boats up onto the rocks. The only conceivable way through this portage that we could make out was through knee to thigh deep water. I had read on the BWCA site that this was basically a portage through a shallow stream. With the high water for this year, it was a not so shallow frigid stream that iced our feet and legs to numbness. [paragraph break] [paragraph break] After the first trip across, we had to stay out oF THE WATER FOR A FEW MINUtes to regain feeling in our toes. Standing on piles of sticks from the beaver dam, our feet warmed up quickly. We then charged daintily back through the water to get the second load. This was not an easy portage, but we managed to get back to the beaver dam and haul ourselves up this wonderous work of engineering. [paragraph break] [paragraph break] I made my way into the boat with gear and dog safELY LOADED, AND FLOATED OUt into the pool to wait for Krystal. I could sense the feeling coming back to my feet with no real worry. A short paddle awaited us to the steep portage to Kiskadinna, where I know we would warm up and then some. Krystal finally made it into her boat with Dobby and Rainy, and we were off.[paragraph break] [paragraph break] Muskeg Lake was gorgeous. We remarked that this is exactly the type of lake we seek out during the busy Boundary Waters summer months. Solitude looked exceptional on this tiny little lake. We snacked on jerky and trail mix as we floated toward the portage, enjoying the views. There were two women on the portage before us so we stayed back, letting them have the trail to themselves. [paragraph break] When the fellow travelers had disappeared into the woods for about five minutes, we landed and unloaded. Krystal went first with her heavy portage pack, and I followed closely behind with my canoe and pack. It was up, up, up until we got to the steeps. This is where it got hard and due to the saturation of the thaw and the heavy rainfall from the day before, the gaping boulder steps squished and separated from the hillside as we went up.[paragraph break] [paragraph break] Once Krystal made it to the top of that steep climb, we dropped our gear to the side of the trail. We drank a little water and caught our breath. She was doing fine. She said it was tough, but the only way forward was back and up again. Slow and steady wins the race, indeed![paragraph break] [paragraph break] Going down that steep climb was nerve wracking. Each stone seemed like it was on the verge of breaking loose and rolling down the hillside. This is the point where we were overjoyed that we were heading up this portage instead of down it with the gear. The clunk, grunt, clunk, grunt, thud, clunk of someone coming down the portage on our way back up it reiterated that belief. [paragraph break] I had one misstep on this journey and it always comes after eating my own words, per the rules of my life. I was so worried about Krystal slipping and falling that I must have said 100 times, be careful on the wet rocks, they are super slippery. As soon as we were on our way on the flat topside of this portage, I put my foot in it! I stepped on a rock and literally took a knee as my foot slipped down the large sloped boulder, while my other leg stretched long and awkwardly behind me, and plop, right on my rusty old knee. I thought for sure I was going to injure something. I stood up, checked my knee for soundness or pain, and all was well. As soon as Krystal knew I was okay, she said, “Be careful on the rocks, Tina. They are slippery.” as she smirked and walked on down the trail. [paragraph break] We had ran into an energizing group of younger people from an environmental school in Minneapolis at the apex of the portage steeps. We ended up chatting with three of the young women when we finally made it to Kiskadinna with all of our gear and dogs in tow. They loved the dogs and were eager to chat a bit and rest, as were we. We wished them well as they were graduating from high school as soon as they finished this week-long trip, and told them as they walked away, “Now the adventure really begins!”[paragraph break] We slipped onto Kiskadinna excited that that tough portage was over. Kiskadinna was gorgeous, with the looming cliffs and long secret stretches of water. Under the grey sky, the lake was hypnotic. Our paddles dipped slowly through the water as we soaked in the scenery.[paragraph break] [paragraph break] When we neared the portage to Omega, both of us were thinking it would be a breeze, short and sweet. We were so wrong! Another crazy steep and slippery portage. We were cautious and slow, and made it through. Originally, we had planned to go to Gaskin or Horseshoe Lake for the next campsite, but deep in my heart I wanted to go to Omega Lake. The last time I had been there, my grandmother had passed away. The same day she had passed, I had a wonderful, yet mournful encounter with a loon on Omega. I will write about that trip someday. But I really wanted to come back to this lake while in a different mindset than I was that somber year. Visiting Omega again felt like visiting grandma again to me, so I secretly planned to tell Krystal we should stay there instead of going onto Gaskin. [paragraph break] [paragraph break] As soon as we were on the water of Omega, I said to Krystal, let's camp here. Following the trying day we had had, she jumped right on the bandwagon. Instead of staying on the same site we had last time we were on this lake, we took the open-air site right off the Kiskadinna portage. What an excellent choice that was! Though the landing was a little sketchy, the big sky views were just what we needed after our rainy and darker site on Long Island Lake. And with warm temps and sunny skies promised for the next day, there would be basking in sunlight to be had.[paragraph break] After setting up camp, we noticed that the chimney to the fire grate had been basically dismantled. We spent a good amount of time relocating all the rocks that had been confiscated from the fire pit. Previous campers must have taken them to hold down tents because there were at least four rocks at every tent pad. We did a decent job of rebuilding the firepit, but not without a painful mishap. Just as I was plopping down the last largish rock, it bounced back up and plopped down right on my right middle finger. The tip of it exploded like a squashed grape. [paragraph break] [paragraph break] My ex-EMT wife bandaged me up with as much care as possible. My heartbeat had moved to the tip of my finger so I held it up above my heart for a while presumably flipping the bird at everything in my line of sight. Though in my heart of hearts, I really wasn’t angry at the rock or me. The rock and I made up in the end, and the rock even did us a solid and blocked the wind during our fire that evening. All was well and right in the world. [paragraph break] The rest of the evening drifted by until a gregarious beaver decided to join us at our site. Upon my hunt for firewood earlier in the evening, I had discovered some fresh beaver chews. It would seem the beaver was not pleased that we had intruded upon their fresh stash of delicious small trees. The beaver had climbed up on the site, then noticed the dogs. With a resounding, “Nope!” it slipped back in the lake. Our beaver friend swam not more than ten feet off shore for a good 20 minutes or so. Tail slaps galore kept the dogs entertained. I tried to tell the beaver we would be gone in two days, but the beaver wasn’t having it. Eventually it swam off and cursed at us a few times from across the lake. [paragraph break] [paragraph break] We finally had warm and cozy campfire after the exhaustion and the rainstorm of the last two nights. Crackling and snapping wood, calling loons, angry beavers, and singing birds carried us through the night. We stayed up until the fire burned out, and the sun set. With hues of orange and pink, the sunset was a promise of a warm and glorious day to come. [paragraph break] [paragraph break]


Day 7 of 8

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Today is about a 180 of yesterday. It’s windy, cold, and threatens rain at any time. The temperature never even makes it to 50! With gusts of up to 30+ mph predicted, we decide to forego our day trip to Cherokee Lake and stay close to camp. I process plenty of firewood while Vickie does some baking (blueberry scones). We also have plenty of time for exploration and even discover, much to Aurora’s delight and amusement, that we have a friendly rabbit sharing camp with us. Really there isn’t too much to say about today, as Vickie & Aurora eventually take a long nap and I do a little reading. At least we stay warm and comfortable, while we hope for better weather tomorrow.


Day 9 of 8

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

It’s still cool and overcast but, today’s weather promises to be more forgiving. After breakfast we load up a day pack and venture out, with Frost Lake as our hopeful destination. The Long Island River is straight south of our site, and after negotiating a couple of beaver dams and the 11 rod portage we are quickly on Gordon Lake where the 140 rod portage to Unload Lake is located.

After the rocky landing, this trail has one decent hill (down to Unload) but for us the primary obstacle(s) are the long stretches of slippery mud and water. A pretty decent landing greets us on the Unload end but, I’d noticed a nice grove of cedars just up the trail a bit; so, after setting the canoe down, I hike back to scope them out. While not quite on par with the monster located below Johnson Falls, there are some very impressive sentinels on display here. Vickie has also finds & collects a nice cache of birch bark for use as needed later in the trip.

The bog laurel is beginning to bloom, and adds a splash of color to the gloominess of the day as we paddle across Unload Lake to the large beaver dam just before Frost Lake. The wind starts to kick up as we head for the beach. While this obviously makes for tougher paddling, the tradeoff is that it is beginning to blow in little splotches of blue sky and glorious sunshine.

Frost Lake is deserted, so we have the place to ourselves. We pull into the camp nearest the beach and check it out before walking over. Aurora’s eager excitement is hard to contain as we near the sandy expanse. Upon officially arriving, Aurora immediately drops down and starts making sand angels. For the next couple of hours we’re all happily occupied building any number of sand creations as, gratefully, the sun graces us with its presence. Spending time here at the beautifully expansive beach definitely helps make up for yesterdays forced lethargy.

We take a little time to explore Long Island Lake on our way back. In keeping with the theme of this trip, the threat of rain chases us back to camp. It’s only a short shower that eventually treats us to a beautiful rainbow. Later, Vickie bakes up some muffins for a delectable bedtime snack, as I begin to pack a few things away.

Long Island Lake, Gordon Lake, Unload Lake, Frost Lake


Day 10 of 8

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Yet another gray morning, although it’s nice to see the wind is calm. Not wanting to paddle all the way around the large peninsula, we opt for the 40 rod portage just NE of our site. There’s a nice beach here and then a narrow (for getting the canoe through) passage through a couple of pine trees before the trail climbs then drops back down to a rocky landing. As we work our way towards Cross Bay Lake, the portages are all fairly short and level but, exceedingly muddy & wet with a few boulders thrown in for good measure . Fortunately Aurora has overcome her fear of puddles and now charges ahead with confidence! The landing on the Rib Lake end of the portage to Cross Bay deserves special mention as a boulder infested mess.

Once on Cross Bay, Vickie checks out the southern site and isn’t overly enthusiastic about it so we paddle on. Along the western shore where the tiny creek comes in from a no name lake, we hear rushing water so we paddle over to investigate. Once we penetrate the initial shrouding brush, a stunning waterfall is revealed. Vickie is particularly enthralled and we linger here basking in this magical atmosphere.

Continuing on up the lake, (actually Cross Bay is more of a river) we spy the next campsite up high on the western shore. The landing is a bit tricky but, there are a couple of nice tent pads and I’m able to situate the tarp so that the hammock is partially underneath it. It’s a bit grassy (buggy) but, does offer a commanding view in both directions. Aurora even has a playmate here as a grouse keeps her occupied while Vickie & I put the finishing touches on getting setup.

Although it has been a short travel day, we don’t stay up too late tonight as the bugs, once again, prove to be a nuisance. Like it had throughout the day, it rains on and off until morning. We hear noises into the night but, rightly figure it’s just the grouse.

Long Island Lake, Karl Lake, Lower George Lake, Rib Lake, Cross Bay Lake


Day 11 of 8

Friday, June 03, 2016

The sun makes an appearance today! I had aspirations of making it to Tuscarora Lake but, considering how tempestuous the weather has been, decided to keep it simple and forego the long portages and just check out Snipe Lake. While larger bodies of water hold their own special appeal, in my humble opinion, Snipe Lake is one of those rare boundary waters jewels much like Agamok, Cherry or Gogebic. With several narrow fingers, rock walls and tinyislands; its beauty and mystery are configured in such a way as to make intimate knowledge of these wonderful facets easily attainable and discerned - and always close at hand no matter where you are on the lake.

The portage in from Cross Bay isn’t too long (43 rods) but, requires a significant climb up a boulder laden path. Of course the current moisture levels also add slippery mud and water to the equation. While the full throated roar of the nearby rapids beckons, we opt to paddle out onto the lake without investigating.

After exploring much of the lake, we paddle to the unoccupied campsite at the entrance to the NE bay. There is a couple eating lunch at the nearby tiny island, so we follow suit and grab some grub and stretch out for awhile too. Afterwards, we paddle over to hike the portage trail to Missing Link Lake.

This is a fairly tough trail but, without the burden of our packs, it isn’t too bad. We all enjoy these forays into the woods, always eagerly anticipating what we might find. Of course spring is always a good time to see flowers and we are treated to a few pink lady slippers as well as several other colorful varieties in bloom.

Both Vickie & I are impressed by the relative ease with which Aurora scales the 5 foot rock wall in this trail. A break is in order as we reach the other end, and many a rock are thrown/skipped out into the lake. We are even temporarily joined by a large bullfrog. The breeze off the lake is invigorating and we linger here soaking it in (while finally not getting soaked ourselves) before retracing our route back to camp.

Once back on Cross Bay, we paddle over to the shoreline just across from our camp to gather some prime firewood. This side of the lake was hit by fire not too long ago so, consequently, there is an abundance of excellent dead firewood. It also appears there may be a decent crop of blueberries in this area. We load up our canoe with several logs and paddle back to camp to finish processing it - getting distracted by a mallard along the way.

Back in camp, putting our firewood to meritorious use, Vickie once again bakes up tasty treats for us. Par for the course - gray clouds move in before nightfall but, by this time, we've grown so accustomed to them that we scarcely notice. This will be our last evening in canoe country (for this trip) whichs helps us to enjoy the quiet relaxation afforded here all the more.

Cross Bay Lake, Snipe Lake, Missing Link Lake


Day 12 of 8

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Of course there is a light rain as we begin tearing down, which continues on & off throughout our journey back to Tuscarora Lodge. Once we leave the wilderness the last few portages seem more cumbersome than they should. I don't know maybe there really is something magical that happens when crossing that imaginary line? After arriving back at the lodge, our hearts sink when Andy tells us that they're out of propane (no hot water for showers). The continual cold & dampness we experienced throughout this trip have put a hot shower much higher on the priority list than usual. Gratitude isn't a big enough word to describe how we feel after Andy allows us to use the staff showers. So even though the owners have changed since last year, the great customer service continues on. A stop at Trail Center for food & then we're on our way home.

I can't recall a recent trip where the bugs were consistently so bad. Nor where the weather was as cold & rainy for so long. Bad site on Banadad. But, that's why I titled the trip the way I did; because the people I spent this time with make it enjoyable regardless of how crummy the conditions are. Even though we had to deal with all these obstacles I still confidently claim that we had a very good trip. (of course it could've been better - taking these things away) :) This was a challenging route (by BWCAW standards) that provided what we were looking for in solitude, scenery & special moments. In particular, further exploration on Rush Lake is what may eventually draw us back to this area.

Our new gear served us well. I've already spoken of Vickie's Old Scout reflector oven. We all also brought new Helinox chairs. The pack-ability of these very light weight, yet sturdy chairs make them indispensible. New CCS packs for Aurora &myself also lived up to their rugged reputation. Also, a few Camp Chow desserts that we tried were pretty decent.

Cross Bay Lake, Ham Lake


Lakes Traveled:   Cross Bay Lake, Ham Lake,

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