Frozen Rose
by Wetlander
There was a strong South wind in our faces all the way across Duncan. Erin quickly tired out and I pulled both of our sleds, at the same time, across the last third of the lake. She rallied for the portage to West Bearskin and was hot on my heals when I hit the ice again. She keeps telling me she is not a tough "outdoorsy girl" but she keeps proving her self wrong!
We arrived back at my truck in the early afternoon, and headed for the Trail Center restaurant for a burger before heading back to Two Harbors to drop off the tent at the Canoeist where we finally got to meet Mike. He was shocked that we hadn't caught any fish (the best we did was one tip-up with the bait missing from the hook). From there it was back to Duluth were we parted ways with Brett and Tina who had to head back to Mpls. and we headed back to Bemidji getting home around 9:30 pm.
On the way home I got a voice-mail from Reese saying that he had talked to Cory and that Bayla was fine. The vet was able to remove the remaining 3 hooks from her lip, but she was still sore.
I would consider this trip a success even though I'm sure Erin and Tina had at one point or another plotted my demise for pushing them outside of their box(es). I think that they will look back at the trip and realize what they accomplished and the smiles that were had by all.
Lessons Learned:
1: Buy the best side cutters on the market. I don't care how much they cost, when there is a hook stuck in someones face (man or beast) you won't regret it.
2: Pack a climbing rope the next time you want to camp on Rose in the winter
3: Camp on Duncan and day trip to Rose
4: Wall tents/hot tents are THE WAY to go
5: Stay at Hungry Jack Lodge again
6: Ice screws work in frozen ground also... this was helpful
7: Taking the extra time to stop and take a bunch of picture is well worth it.
8: You need to get a wood stove VERY hot for a reflector oven to work...leave the reflector oven for summer trips.
Things to buy or things to leave behind for next trip:
1: BUY Crampons for the hill
2: BUY Side Cutter
3: Bring sunglasses
4: Bring Less food (always a problem)
5: BUY/BUILD a sled from Black River Sleds... Sweet toboggans!
Congrats again to my cousin and his new Fiance. Glad we could be a part of the memory!