august duncan heat!
by bwcasolo
Trip Type:
Paddling Canoe
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Entry & Exit Point:
Duncan Lake (EP 60)
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Day 5 of 7
Friday, August 30, 2013 today i wanted to hike the border trail to the eat of the falls, so after another hot buggy breakfast, off we went. as we headed to rose lake, we noticed the point campsite was open. i was thrilled to see that. on shore we went to check it out and it was a dream. there was a great breeze from all directions keeping the skeets at bay, great views, and we were ready for a change even if it was only a hop skip and a jump from our present site. dropping off my wife with the day pack, i bee lined it back to camp and literally threw all our gear in the canoe and after 2 trips, we were setting up our new camp, on a beautiful site. the hammock was up and the breeze was awesome, as we enjoyed our views and solitude. it was a great move!