Ram Lake - May 2015
by adludwig
Rain on the tent first woke me about 3:30am. It was really the first significant rain we had during the trip. It continued all morning. When we finally got up, we made a quick breakfast on the propane stove: coffee and some hot water for instant oatmeal. We gobbled up breakfast and began packing up camp. We soon headed across Ram Lake to the entry point. That first little jog up the hill was quite fun with it being very wet. We took everything up at first hill by team lifting before we loaded up and headed for the vehicle. The portage is fairly enjoyable on the way out! Downhill all the way to the vehicle. Mike and I dropped our first loads and headed back. We met George and Wog, who had just left a couple packs back at the lake. By the time Mike and I made our way out with the second load, the canoes were strapped to the trailer and the packs were already in the vehicle! Most of us changed into drier clothes and then we headed back to Grand Marais. Once we got back into civilization, I called my wife to tell her I had survived another trip. We grabbed a snack and headed south. Recently I have always had to get a big chocolate milk for my first drink when we get out. Traffic was pretty heavy all the way down the shore. Apparently we weren't the only ones up the shore this weekend! We stopped at Culvers in Two Harbors and all ate gigantic burgers. We parted ways with Wog in Duluth and ended up home by 5:30pm. Everyone unpacked and headed home. When I heard what the weather had been like back home, I realized how awesome of a weekend we got! The wind was a little bothersome, but to have such nice, warm days was really nice. I am glad to have finally caught my first lake trout and I am glad everyone in our group caught one. The fishing wasn't fast and furious, but it was another excellent time with a great bunch of guys. I can't wait until I can return in September! Thanks for reading!