by Exspence
Trip Type:
Paddling Canoe
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Entry & Exit Point:
John Lake (EP 69)
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Day 4 of 4
Thursday, May 25, 2017 We got an early start to the day to avoid any wind from the east that might make our paddle less enjoyable. By around 6 a.m. we were on the water, and this was for sure the most beautiful part of the trip. Watching the sun rise while paddling on the calm water was spectacular, the water acted like a mirror reflecting back the trees and the sky, which made for a great time. The sun was bright that morning which left me with sunburnt hands and face, but the warmth was nice. Along the way across the lake we were constantly barked at by the morning calls of a variety of birds that kept me trying to remember how their call sounded so I could find out what kind of bird they were when I got back into town, but my memory didn’t work so well. We also came across a couple loons that surprisingly allowed us within about five feet of them. This was another highlight of the trip. Their eyes are so red and their colors and patterns are so interesting! We kept chugging along the shore of the lake until we made our way out of the boundary waters and onto McFarland Lake. McFarland had cabins and/or houses scattered across the lake side which got us thinking of how it would be to have one. The terrain and rock surrounding this lake was exciting. Every lake seems to have its own character, and this lake stuck out. It wasn’t long until we were taking our last strokes towards Little John Lake where we flew under a bridge and through the quick moving current between McFarland and Little John Lake; back to where we began. Another very fun, and safe trip to the BW in the books. If you have any questions get in touch with me! Safe travels to everyone... and GET OUT THERE! There is so much to see.