Spring Creek - LLC - Moose River
by Porkeater
Misty morning on Sunday Lake:
The girls were still tired from the long day yesterday, so we took our time with breakfast and didn't leave camp until about 9:00. Our goal for the day is Iron Lake. The portages along the Beartrap river don't appear to get much use. The east end is still in the PMA, so they don't get much maintenance. Many large deadfalls to climb over during the day. The last 110 rod portage before Peterson Bay also had some calf-deep mud to contend with.
We reached Iron Lake about 3:00 in the afternoon. The first campsite, directly across the opening from Peterson Bay, was taken. This was the first sign we had seen of other users since we put in. We would not actually see anyone until Thursday on LLC. We ended up at a site in the southwest corner of the lake in a small bay. It was a nice site for our size group but would have been crowded with many more. We also later discovered it had a healthy population of ticks. ~Sunday Lake, Beartrap River, Iron Lake