2017 5 days Mudro to Fall
by Alisdairmartin
The trip started with bad, cold weather on day 1. Great paddling down some rapids on day 2. Waterfalls, cooking and fishing on day 3. On day four we had a dangerous capsize near Wheelbarrow Falls and we also rescued a party who had capsized and been dragged down Nestor Falls! In the early hours of day 5 be had a bear in our camp! It was a terrific adventure. I made short videos with a voiceover and posted to youtube:
DAY 1: https://youtu.be/ZOSf3kBRJ6I DAY 2: https://youtu.be/cwh5Q4SKyCY DAY 3: https://youtu.be/tW99iiEH-ks DAY 4: https://youtu.be/HJ5Oe_XYMNQ DAY 5: https://youtu.be/jAffQLbf-hw
I used some amazing new gear on this trip that really added value to the experience. I'm no expert but I'm very happy to share experiences and ideas with anyone who is interested.