Father and Son BWCA trip
by Hueyav8r
Trip Type:
Paddling Canoe
Entry Date:
Entry & Exit Point:
South Kawishiwi River (EP 32)
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Part 2 of 6
First day on the water I was driving to the access point and stopped at the wrong site. The funny thing before we headed to the water I took a picture of the sign that showed we were at the wrong access point. I never even noticed what I was taking. We entered at #32 South Kawishiwa River portaged everything to the water and began our trip. I had the map in front of me and didn’t see anything match up to what the map was saying. We were heading NE but nothing was right. I carry a GPS just in case I’m lost and decided to take a look. Realized then we were about 3 kilometers west of where we needed to be. Once I knew where we were all was good, we continued. Eventually catching up to where I was planning to stop for the evening. Dinner first night was steaks, potatoes and green beans. The sunset view of the water was wonderful.