Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Parkour chipmunks, ninja rabbits, and the nighttime musings of an 11 year old adventurer
by naturboy12

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/21/2019
Entry & Exit Point: Wood Lake (EP 26)
Number of Days: 5
Group Size: 2
Part 5 of 6
August 24th- The move to Wood Lake

Saturday morning we woke up, broke camp, took a quick goodbye picture, and made our way back to Wood Lake.

When we got to Wood Lake, we were lucky enough to get the site in the narrows just as a father/daughter combo that had spent the past few nights there were packing up to leave.

We set up camp, ate an early lunch and spent most of the afternoon checking out the east end of Wood Lake, including a great overlook area about 1/4 mile from our camp.

Throughout our time setting up camp, and during the evening after fishing, we noticed a couple large rabbits hopping around the trails of our campsite. They were fast, sneaky, and not too worried about us being around. We decided they were ninja rabbits, well trained in keeping that campsite safe, and let them go about their business.

Jaden was tired and had a headache, so we hung out in the tent reading as the sun set. We could hear lots of mosquitoes buzzing around (almost none on any other night), and could hear the rabbits as well, running back on forth on the trails and through the brush around our campsite. 15 or so minutes after dark, the mosquitoes buzzing stopped, so I went back outside for a final campfire. I could see the rabbits from time to time off on the edges of camp by using the red light on my headlamp. While sitting on the log bench, I heard a rabbit hopping behind me, so I slowly turned around. I could see it standing less than 5 feet away from me in the red light. As I stood up to turn around and try to take a picture, the rabbit jumped right towards me and then straight up in the air, probably 3 feet off the ground. I don't know how, but that ninja rabbit changed directions in the air and took off the opposite direction when it landed. I wish I could have gotten a picture!