Father Daughter bonding
by bentshaft
Another beautiful day, ate, packed up and headed north. Met one group on the portage to Kivaniva and one canoe on Elton but that was it until we got to Little Sag. Lauren decided to try carry the canoe today on some of the longer portages, she’s thinking about doing some trips without Dad and wanted to be sure she could do it. She got a lot more comfortable putting the canoe up and down but decided sandals were not ideal for her for portaging the canoe. Spent some time viewing the awesome cliffs on Makwa and slowly made our way to Little Sag through the 2 short portages on the north end of Elton. Made our way to campsite#813 as the first of many options on this expansive lake. Usually I am the one to scout the camps, but as this had a very small landing and someone needed to stay with the canoe, Lauren went to check things out. The landing at this site is not bad but there is only room for 1 canoe. Then it is straight up 15 ft to get to the camp. Lauren returned and said this would do but wanted to know our other options. I pointed out site #812 on the map as well as a few sites on the NE side of the lake. She decided to check out site 812 before we committed. Short paddle around the point and 812 was occupied. She didn’t feel like going all the way across and so we returned to #813, and I’m so glad we did. One of my favorite campsites on the trip. The fire grate area is just ok but this site stretches out from the far western point of the Island to quite always east with the firegrate in the center. After exploring there are multiple nice tent sites, tarp areas, and room for hammocks. Also an awesome view of the neighboring island and bays. As routine for this trip we set up camp and took a very refreshing swim. After eating we decided to go out fishing and exploring. It soon became obvious we were both more interested in just puttering around exploring our little corner of Little Sag than do any serious fishing. Went back to camp an watched a glorious sunset over Littel Sag until the mosquitos drove us into our shelter. One of the 1st times they have been much of a problem on this trip.