Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

2 weeks of reality in the time of COVID
by dogwoodgirl

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 08/10/2020
Entry Point: South Kawishiwi River (EP 32)
Exit Point: Sawbill Lake (EP 38)  
Number of Days: 14
Group Size: 2
Day 10 of 14
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Up before dawn again, cereal and coffee and on the water by sun-up. Paddled and portaged the Phoebe River to Hazel. Saw one group- they daytripped into Hazel, sat on the shore for 30 minutes, then turned around and left- odd. Other than that, totally deserted back here. HOT! Hung sleeping bags to air out, everything just a bit damp.

The route here was interesting....Phoebe River is little and full of beaver dams. They have widened some areas and made others much more shallow, so portages are only approximate....some treks along the river edge to reach navigable water.

Heating up the solar shower again....could be last shower of the trip.