The Circle Tour
by tmccann
Trip Type:
Paddling Canoe
Entry Date:
Entry & Exit Point:
Farm Lake (EP 31)
Number of Days:
Group Size:
Trip Introduction:
Seven paddlers began this trip on September 25 and ended October 5.
Lakes: Starting - Farm Lake, Kawishiwi River, Lake One, Two, Three, Four, Hudson, Insula, Alice, Fishdance, Malberg, Koma, Polly, Townline, Kawashachong, Square, Kawishiwi Lake, Perent Lake, Perent River, Isabella Lake, Isabella River, Bald Eagle Lake, Gabbro Lake, Little Gabbro Lake, Clear Lake, Kawishiwi River, ended at Silver Rapids. 87.5 mile loop with total trip length at 94 miles. The intentions of the trip included following the old trapline routes of two trappers, Tom Parent and Bill Pembles. We celebrated the work done by Arthur H. Carhart 100 years ago as he took this same trip in preparation for writing a recreation plan.
Portage between Kawishiwi and Perent Lake is open.
Coordinates for Kawishiwi end: 47.835704, -91.104914
Coordinates for Perent end: 47.813140, -91.120141
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