Solo on the rivers
by dogwoodgirl
First campsite in the narrows at the S end of Bald Eagle was open, and the wind was picking up, so I took it. Main tent pads were in full sun, but there was a lovely shady spot under the cedars that was perfect for my 2 person tent.
Made coffee and breakfast, lounged around the kitchen area under the trees. If you look back towards land it is very open and sad looking- so much dead balsam and spruce from budworm. But, if you look off towards the lake, it is lovely and green.
Around mid-late afternoon, smoke really started moving in- felt bad to breathe. Sky was white- yesterday clear blue. So windy that I had every guyline on the tent staked out taut. Have seen no one all day.
Critters seen today: Beavers, garter snakes, jays, hummingbirds, northern harrier, raven, goldeneye, swamp sparrow, chippies.