Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

namaycush redemption
by fairmatt

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 09/26/2021
Entry & Exit Point: Moose/Portage River (north) (EP 16)
Number of Days: 7
Group Size: 2
Day 7 of 7
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 Arise early and get stuff packed up and are on our way towards the portage in a fairly thick fog. We unload and start portaging. We both had our headlamps on still and we needed them as the portage was very dark yet. Our lights reflected off of the water covered leaves on the trail illuminating our path in a very interesting way.
No rolled ankles on these two portages and then we luckily were still able to line through the small rapids before Lake Agnes. Once on Agnes I throw the taildancer out and just after the giant boulder in the middle of the north end I hook into a nice 19-20inch smallmouth. We stop at another good spot we've caught fish at in the past and had no luck.
The clouds are beginning to lift and clear some by the time we're on Nina Moose and we enjoyed another paddle out the Nina Moose river.

We made it out in a good time and and in great spirits. Our goal of catching a Lac La Croix Salvelinus namaycush complete and all with some of the best weather and fall color Ive ever experienced in the BWCA. Thank you to my brother who has been my tripping partner for many years now and for taking the time to take the majority of the photos and videos we have of this and other trips and to our wives who handle things back home like a boss...thank you so much for enabling us to enjoy this place we love. Thanks for reading!

I did put a video up on youtube...