Wolves & Weather
by Kendis
We decided to spend a second day at our Jordan campsite. Weather was partly cloudy, low wind, no rain. At 3:00pm we heard some wolves howling at each other. At 6:45pm we heard many more howling, and much closer to camp. At 7:00pm we heard at least one come into camp, making low wimpering noises sounding very close. My wife was scared and I got the wolves to leave with several loud yells.
The 3:00pm and 6:45pm sounds were all from the northwest. We speculated the wolves lived in the Spider Lake PMA. The next morning we found tracks from at least two different sized wolves on the sand beach at the campsite landing.
We keep an immaculate camp and I seriously doubt smelling food was the reason for the wolves' visit. Whatever the reason, very neat and something we had hoped for but never expected would actually happen.
~Jordan Lake