Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

by bumabu

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 10/05/2022
Entry & Exit Point: Brule Lake (EP 41)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 3
Day 4 of 6
Saturday, October 08, 2022 We woke up to our alarm at 6 AM with hopes of going fishing, but the wind was blowing hard this morning, It took me about 10 seconds to go back to sleep. I finally got up around 8:30 to light the stove and make breakfast for everyone. Other than the wind, this was a beautiful day. we shore fished a lot, took baths on the freezing cold water, and played a lot of UNO. We were also able to clear out another nice shore fishing spot on the island which gives good access to deep water and structure so future wind-bound parties can do some more shore fishing as well.