Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

Gals Trip + Riley
by TreeBear

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 05/15/2021
Entry & Exit Point: Snowbank Lake (EP 27)
Number of Days: 6
Group Size: 4
Day 5 of 6
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 The next day, we headed south over the old familiar route back. It’s a place full of memories since our old staff training route came this way so my first trip with D came this way (C didn't make staff training the year we were on staff together.) Wisini is a favorite of all of ours and it was easy to admire the big rocks there. We made decent time south into Fraser and Thomas. There I had another lead on a former homesite with a “d-day memorial” we had to see. It took us awhile to find, but was another incredible look at history.
Through Jordan Narrows, we stopped at another not often marked pictograph site (again, making things up to C.) At the portage out of Jordan is where things really began coming off the rails. As my early-season energy was getting a tad bored with the route (despite still loving the scenery of course) C and I detoured to line the rapids alongside the portage. We would meet back up with D and T on the far side to go visit Cattyman Falls, or so we thought. This is where apparently poor communication and some misunderstanding really came to the surface. When C and I had cleared the rapids, the other half of the group was nowhere to be found. Shouldn’t they have waited for us? Maybe they went to the falls? So C and I paddled down to the portage around Cattyman falls. No Tuff-Weave. Hmmmm..... We hiked down to the falls and enjoyed the scenery before heading up in search of our friends. We knew the pre-established route, but it still felt very weird to ditch us completely. We portaged into other half of the group. Jitterbug....nobody. one there. Now we were really confused. If I had split off, wouldn’t I have waited at a portage? We knew the next stop was Disappointment, but we had not discussed where in the lake we would camp. Without any other way of communicating, we handled it like a search and rescue. We would go campsite to campsite until we found them or someone who had seen them. The first campsite on Dissapointment was empty. From campsite two and three, we could see the far west site with binoculars. Our group wasn't there. We worked down the eastern shore from campsite to campsite without any success. We were getting discouraged at this point as the sun moved late in the day. Would we even find our group today? It had been hours since we had seen each other. We pulled up to the next island campsite and there they were! There was a lengthy explanation for everyone involved. We still haven’t come to a complete understanding of what each other were thinking, but we’ve moved on. It wasn’t any of our brightest moments. T was ready to be done for the day and they didn’t know how long we would be. D had somehow never been to the actual Cattyman falls so she just thought it was the little rapids next to the portage...nothing too exciting. We brushed that under the rug since that also meant T didn’t get to see the falls. All’s well that ends well I guess. We sat down for dinner and enjoyed the last night of our trip under the giant pines.
~Kekekabic Lake, Strup Lake, Wisini Lake, Ahmakose Lake, Gerund Lake, Fraser Lake, Thomas Lake, Hatchet Lake, Ima Lake, Jordan Lake, Cattyman Lake, Adventure Lake, Jitterbug Lake, Ahsub lake, Disappointment Lake