Boundary Waters, Trip Reports, BWCA, Stories

A paddler's guide to type 2 fun
by dogwoodgirl

Trip Type: Paddling Canoe
Entry Date: 07/29/2023
Entry & Exit Point: Brant Lake (EP 52)
Number of Days: 16
Group Size: 2
Day 10 of 16
Monday, August 07, 2023 We're off to Boulder lake and the longish portage into Ledge, getting an early start to beat the heat, we hope. Just 2 short portages into Boulder, at least on the map. seems to have been abandoned due to beaver activity, so poled up the channel to the dam, unloaded and pulled over the dam, paddled to the second portage, and another beaver dam, and we should be on Boulder, but we're not. There's a serious shallow section on the creek that we portaged our gear through, and then a point right at Boulder where we had to unload our gear again due to low water. No plan survives the beavers! Boulder is such a pretty lake- almost wish we were stopping here. Tall white pines around pretty much the entire lake. Island site taken...first people we've seen in a couple days. The Boulder to Ledge portage was...not wonderful. Nasty switchback uphill section in the hot sun right after we crossed the creek, and felt way longer than it looked on the map. Maybe it was just hot. Anyway, got 'er done and were happy to see the campsite on Ledge open. A day full of mostly type 2 fun!

Very pretty site full of youngish white pines. One we called the leaning tower of treeza because at some point it fell almost all the way over, and all the branches on the top of the leaning trunk became leaders. There is what could be a rusted out stove and a gas can in the woods east of camp. Cut some wood, had iced coffee and sat in the shade.

Just at dusk we heard a beaver repeatedly thwacking it's tail. Finally got out my binoculars....and there's a bear in the shallow water across the lake. Don't know if it was fishing or if it wanted to swim across the lake to where the lodge was and eat beavers, but the beaver was having none of it! Finally the bear wandered back into the woods.

~Adams Lake, Boulder Lake, Ledge Lake