First trip ever as a solo at 21 yo
by martenskier21
Day 3 I was originally going to head out to loop Saganaga but due to the winds the day before decided to divert from my plan and head back west. I left around 9 or so and headed north through Pickle, Spoon, and Bonnie up to Knife Lake. It was interesting to see Canada as a continuous landmass with the US and no border signs. I headed east to Birch Lake and then down into Newfoundland on Horshoe Island for my site.
That was a long day of paddling at about 15 miles with some moderate headwinds. I was relieved to make it to the site and fell asleep right after I climbed into my sleeping bag. I found some comfort in being close enough to people to get help if I needed it. But I did not enjoy hearing boats first thing in the morning.
~Pickle Lake, Spoon Lake, Bonnie Lake, Knife Lake, Birch Lake~Pickle Lake, Spoon Lake, Bonnie Lake, Knife Lake, Birch Lake, Sucker Lake, Newfound Lake