Finding Solitude
by dogwoodgirl
Portaged into a little unnamed lake at the east end of Spoon- so pretty. One shore burned awhile back, the other didn't. Tried to find the next portage but there was a cascade of beaver dams in that bay so we decided to go blueberry picking on the burned hillside instead. Very productive- got a couple cups . Made us happy, since all the other bushes we've seen were bare- no green berries even.
Back on Spoon we went over to the full sun campsite, changed into our swimsuits, and swam and lay on the rocks. Not a site that gets much use, I think. The grass is getting tall and blueberries are colonizing the tent pad. Lots of short young another 30 years it will be gorgeous. Came back to camp feeling refreshed.
The FS paddled into camp to check our permit and latrine- they didn't mention our barrel. Latrine is full, so they went across the lake to set up camp and then came back to move it. Took them an hour or so and we got to christen a brand new latrine. Lots of smoke haze tonight.
~Spoon Lake