Work Harder, Not Smarter
by BigTim
Working harder and not smarter, took our time breaking camp. Throughout the week, we found less garbage than the past couple of years. A nice trend. After all packs were ready, we did the ceremonial twice over to make sure LNT principals are sound. Did not have a fire all week - as bugs were never an issue. We are thrilled with the new water system - a far cry from the days of pumping full each water container one at a time. We'll never go back to our old system of food planning - as home made dehydrated meals are for us. Fishing was good. Wind was not an issue. The Wenonah Champlain is a beast - perfect for us and gear.
Showered at Rockwood and said goodbye until next year. 25 years in a row. 1999 seems like a lifetime ago. James and Ellie's son Spencer arrived in late June - so my future goal/hope is a 3 generation trip. ~Gaskin Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Caribou Lake, Lizz Lake, Poplar Lake