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      Trip Report - Three Generation trip for U.S.M.C. Captain (Ret.)
  Last Visit: 09/27/2024 04:17PM

Entry Point 24 - Fall Lake

Fall Lake entry point allows overnight paddle or motor (25 HP max). This entry point is supported by Kawishiwi Ranger Station near the city of Ely, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 7 miles. "Access is a boat landing at Fall Lake. Several trip options to Newton, Basswood, & Mud Lakes with additionalportages." This area was affected by blowdown in 1999.

Number of Permits per Day: 14
Elevation: 1324 feet
Latitude: 47.9527
Longitude: -91.7213
Author Message Text
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2009 12:45PM
New Trip Report posted by Woodbender

Trip Name: Three Generation trip for U.S.M.C. Captain (Ret.).

Entry Point: 4

Click Here to View Trip Report

Be an example worth following.
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distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2009 12:47PM
Blast it - I have to edit the photo links. Done but I didn't know how to delete this "Blast it" post.

Be an example worth following.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2009 05:53PM
NIce report! My son chose to go with me on a backpacking trip to a remote cabin in the Porcupine Mts wilderness for his 18th....it's a very good feeling to know that these young folks not only want to be in the woods, but want to be with us! Congrats on raising a fine young man.

~On to Fort Chipewyan before the snow flies!
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2009 07:35PM
What a great trip! Your description of the grandfather/father/son talk brought a tear to my eye. The wilderness is an ideal setting for a moment like that. I have two sons standing on manhood's front step, but my dad is long gone. I envy your three generation trip. Maybe if I play my cards right, I'll get to be the grandpa on a trip like that someday.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/18/2009 08:57AM
Great report! Those are the memories I hope to have with my son (now 4) some day!

Glad to see the Base camp water filter worked well; I got one for xmas this year and am excited to bring it to the BWCA this May.

Any advice/tips on hanging it?

"Nine planets around the sun, only one does the sun embrace" - dmb
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/18/2009 10:26PM
peeruwp, I'll share my tip for hanging a basecamp filter. Find two trees about 2' apart and tie a cord in a figure eight pattern between the two trees. Clip your filter over the crossing point of the cord. The idea is to prevent the filter bag from rubbing against the tree trunk which could wear a hole in it. You can set the height of the cord so that the hose just reaches your clean water container without dragging the hose in the dirt.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2009 06:42AM
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself about carrying too much weight because you were basecamping. Now, the long first portage was probably a mistake. :)

It's really great that your son seems to have a passion for the BW. My guess is that you guys will have many more trips together. It was very cool that you got to do this with your Dad and son.

I took my 66 year old Dad to Ogishkemuncie from Seagull for a week of basecamping in 2000. It worked out ok but I was worn out by carrying huge loads. The last thing I wanted was my Dad to get hurt and I really wanted him to enjoy the trip so I had him carry all the light bulky stuff in a nice backpack. I'm glad we did it.

Here's my Dad.

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." --- George Bernard Shaw
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2009 02:00PM
A very nice report Woodbender.

Sit back, relax, have a home brew.
04/19/2009 05:41PM
Very nice report - thanks for taking us along. Sounds like it was a solid crew.

"You're not serious about wearing sandals on this portage.... are you?"
Ho Ho
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2009 07:19PM
Thanks for the report, Tim. Don't be hard on yourself for not knowing the portage would be so hard on your dad - it's something we all face as our parents age (and - gasp - may face ourselves all too soon). It seems like it turned out to be a great trip. Which site did you stay at on Crab?
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2009 07:27PM
Peeruwp I'll have to remember Knothead's trick for next trip. We were lucky enough to have a little branch (2") which stuck straight out from a tree. We were fairly close to the water for hanging it. We had a collapsible water container which worked out great. Just dump in a couple gallons of water first thing in the morning or last thing at night (which we did) and viola' - filtered water in about 10-15 minutes.

Ho Ho - we were at the "chair" campsite which is in the North East arm (there's a little tiny bay there) where Crab Creek departs Crab Lake. The camp site was a mess and the legislation which mandates that fish remains now have to be buried made it possible for us to enjoy the previous inhabitants marginally buried fish.

It is a steep site with one usable tent pad which may have a drainage issue in a downpour. Our rain that week was not that heavy.

The kitchen area was reworked to make it as level as possible - you could tell the service people had done a lot of work to it. It is easy to hang a tarp over that kitchen area which we made use of that week. It was nice to sit around with Dad and Chris during a gentle rain and just shoot war/fish stories and hot cocoa.

The privy was about at the end of it's life cycle if you know what I mean. Support boards were saggy and the thing really needed to be abandoned and relocated.

But we had a great time there with Dad and Chris.

Be an example worth following.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2009 08:42AM
Thanks for the wonderful trip report. It sounds as if all three generations came away with great memories and were rewarded for their efforts.

We had lunch at that site back in 2006 and enjoyed the view, chair and the fishing. Sounds as if not much has changed.

"Yesterday is the past, Tomorrow is the future, Today is a GIFT, that is why it is called the present".
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2009 12:33PM
You can't put a price on a three generation trip like this. I'm sure your son will always remember it like it was yesterday. Great job.

distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2009 03:10PM

Thanks for a great trip report. I wouldn't worry about offending anyone with God talk. If someone becomes offended, I recommend they figure out Who they might be offending with such a mind set. God is just about the only thing worth talking about other then those you care about and the BWCA/outfoors. I think it's great that you, your dad, and your son made this trip together. Thanks again for the report and pics.

distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2009 03:53PM
Enjoyed it alot...thx for sharing.

"You don't stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing." B. Franklin
04/24/2009 10:00AM
Woodbender, Great report and thank you for sharing. Your experience with your dad really struck a cord with me. My father is 74 and I look at some of our hunting and fishing excursions together as "last trips" as well. Here's hoping we have many more with our respective fathers!
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/24/2009 02:26PM
Yup - I know Andy. Parents are getting older and so are their grandkids. Which is one of the reasons for the trip. I wanted Chris and his grandpa to have as many times as possible for quiet moments and campfires.

Dad is 76 and my mom who is 83(?) just had a hip replaced since our trip. Dad was absolutely terrified that she would fall and break her hip while we were gone and it would occasionally show on his face during that week. I solidly think because of that weight on his mind he never really relaxed that week which is a shame.

Be an example worth following.
senior membersenior membersenior member
04/27/2009 04:51PM
Woodbender, thank you for the report. It rings true to home for me, but the situation is a little different. I too realized that my days with my father are growing smaller, he's still 63yr young, however has never been to the BWCA. I'm taking my 63yr young, eagle scout, father on his first trip this June. He is extremely excited and I hope to have more. Time will tell.

I was not offended by the god talk, everyone has their beliefs. I do however want to point out to bearfoot, that you are as close minded as someone who would have been offended by the god talk. I was offended by your statement that I may need to figure out who I'm offending...and that god is one of the only things worth discussing...

Bearfoot, everyones god is not the same as yours, you should think about who you may be offending with such a mindset.... Off soapbox and I do truly apologize that I had to make such a post in Woodbenders trip report. I held off for days, but in the end everytime I read your comments I'm offended.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2009 05:56PM
Nice report woodbender. I enjoyed it. Bearfoot, please keep your god opinions to yourself or start your own thread on this topic on another website.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2009 12:21PM
Please do not let any of this tarnish a great trip report from Woodbender or this great site. My apologies to Woodbender.

I guess I simply could have stood by the quote from the trip report "If that “God-talk” is offensive to some of you then I guess that's the way it's going to be". I believe it is perfectly acceptable to respond in support to a fellow believer's trip report. A man of God should not have to watch what he says or what he types.

Darkstar- I wouldn't jump to a personal attack by calling out someone and labeling them close minded. You don't know me nor do I know you. If you want to say hello just drop me an email.

ktoivola- The purpose was to show support not disrespect. And unless you own this website perhaps you shouldn't be asking people to leave. If you don't like what is written then you could as you put it "keep your...opinions to yourself" or just agree to disagree like many of us do. You also have a personal invitation to email me if interested in a conversation.

Not to sound picky but the God I speak of is spelled with a capital G. I know no other. And the Who I was speaking about also had a capital W. In no way is any of this about me.

I'm not here to argue or make enemies, I was simply trying to show support for Woodbender. I understand many people have different beliefs and I agree that everyone is entitled to free will. But please do not censor me or hate me for my beliefs. I was replying to the author of this trip report not to the readers of my reply. You may read my words if you choose to do so but realize they were not intended for you.

distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2009 02:16PM
Bearfoot and I have had email corresponded on the side. I would rather not see an escalation on this forum. "Beliefs" are a sticky navigation sometimes.

The original trip report was based entirely on my daily journal during that trip. If you read it it becomes very obvious where my family stands. As it was a personal journal please keep in mind as you read it that they are personal thoughts and musings and not a soapbox position.

If you have questions on the construction of Chris' Kestrel, I'm all ears. Comments about our Freezer Bag style of cooking? Fire away. How HEAVY the flippin' packs were? Yeah I've got stories.

If you have questions about the "discussion" the three of us had that day in the rain you are more than welcome to send me an email. Please bear in mind it's a family email account which my wife and children have access to so no flames and rants please.

I really don't see a need to draw it out further on this forum. But thank you all for the comments received.

Be an example worth following.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2009 02:30PM
Bearfoot, The problem here is your post(Reread it)...it's offensive!

I have no desire to debate religious beliefs with you on this website or through your e mail. What brings people here and what makes this site awesome (besides Adam's hard work) is the fact that we all want to talk about BWCA/Quetico stuff...not religion, politics, or work. This will be my last post on woodbender's trip report...
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2009 07:47PM
Woodbender - great report. thanks for sharing and sharing your family talk. I was only offended to the extent that I have failed many times to take similar opportunities to "talk" with my kids.

Bearfoot - could not read any offense into your post, but then..... oh well, you and I understand some people don't understand. The harder the heart, the louder the objection.

IMO if anyone has a complaint, don't detract from the author's post by ranting on this thread. Take it up somewhere else. Sorry to detract from your report Woodbender.

Life is Good, Living is Better. Everlasting Life is Best! Pray for Us Amok.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2009 11:04PM
here is my 2 cents, " Semper Fi "

That tree looks familiar?!
11/02/2009 09:51AM
Semper Fi, Mac! BWCAW beats humpin' Pendleton.
distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/02/2009 12:13PM
Woodbender, I can't tell you how wonderful it was to read your trip report. I'm not a "man of God" myself but my heart warmed to hear that you and Chris and your Dad had such intimate and meaningful conversations, and that they meant to much to Chris. Our belief systems and a strong sense of integrity are the foundations on which a life worth living is built; IMO it doesn't matter what one's specific beliefs are as long as they support one's integrity. What a great way to raise a son (or two, in this case).

This is a fantastic example of the "Dad stories" I so love to hear.
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