Boundary Waters Trip Reports, Blog, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

BWCA Entry Point, Route, and Trip Report Blog

February 19 2025

Entry Point 36 - Hog Creek

Hog Creek entry point allows overnight paddle only. This entry point is supported by Tofte Ranger Station near the city of Isabella; Tofte, MN. The distance from ranger station to entry point is 30 miles. Access is a 15-rod portage to Hog Creek leading into Perent Lake.

Number of Permits per Day: 4
Elevation: 1664 feet
Latitude: 47.8104
Longitude: -91.0864
Hog Creek - 36

Short trip to Perent

by stok0099
Trip Report

Entry Date: July 15, 2021
Entry Point: Hog Creek
Number of Days: 3
Group Size: 2

Trip Introduction:
My wife and I found a baby sitter for a couple nights! BWCA here we come! We hadn't been for a few years since we have 2 little kids, but now we had a chance. We had heard about Perent Lake, so thought we'd give it a try since we only had two nights and there isn't too much portaging to get there.

Day 1 of 3

Thursday, July 15, 2021

We got a late start due to a late notice appointment, but we drove up the shore and arrived at the landing around 2pm. We were surprised by how far we had to travel on a dirt road, but I guess that's most of the BWCA. As we got closer, we saw Hog creek a couple times winding back and forth on the road. It was so dried up, it looked like nothing but a super small creek. We knew this could be an issue, but were hopeful we could still make it in. Once we made it to the entry point, we decided the trip was at least worth a shot. We made it only a few hundred feet before we needed to get out and push the canoe over some mud. Then we did that again, and again, and again. Hog creek at this time was SUPER DRY and made it pretty frustrating to make it down. Luckily the bugs weren't bad, because we had to get out of our canoe quite a few times! It took us about 2 hours to reach Perent Lake.

As we paddled across Perent, we saw the first 6 or 7 sites were full. We made it almost to the northeast end before we found a site on the east shore line free. We snagged it without questioning if it was a good spot. Turns out it was just fine for us. Very few bugs, little breeze, great view, and some privacy. Exactly what we look for in the BWCA!

We set up camp, fished a little (caught one small northern and one small rock bass), and had brats for dinner. We went to bed early as we couldn't have a campfire due to the dry season. First time in the BWCA without a campfire, but going to bed early was just fine by us tired parents.


Day 2 of 3

Friday, July 16, 2021

I woke up early, and went out fishing while my wife slept in a little. I caught one small (13inch) walleye and another small northern, but nothing exciting. Came back for a little breakfast and the a nap. Turns out when the kids aren't around, my wife and I LOVE to nap. We took a snooze in our hammocks, which was wonderful. Afterwards, we just relaxed the day away. We fished a little more, swam, had lunch, fished some more, and then enjoyed a cocktail while having good conversation in the middle of the woods. Nothing more we could ask for!


Day 3 of 3

Saturday, July 17, 2021

We slept in a little, but then starting packing up when we woke up. We wanted to get the hog creek journey over with and enjoy a lunch somewhere before we got back home. As we ventured through the creek, we counted 226 frogs, 11 turtles, 19 times getting out of the canoe to push/drag the canoe, and we think 4-5 beaver dams (forgot to count them). Again, it was about a 2 hour travel time through the creek. I would assume it would be a little less if you didn't have to get out so much, but it's such a windy creek you can't paddle very fast. We made it out without any major issues, and were able to have a wonderful lunch on the way home at Grand Superior Lodge on the north shore. I beautiful view on their patio.

Another successful, although short, BWCA trip under our belt. I would recommend a different route if the water is real low. If it was any lower, it would have been pretty rough. Especially if the bugs are bad.


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