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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Advice for a trip to Kawnipi
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04/09/2009 10:19PM
Hey fellas,

A friend of mine from Texas and I are heading up the falls chain to Kawnipi from May 19th to the 27th.

Just wondering if any of you more seasoned adventurers have any advice as far as good campsites, fishing hot spots....

Right now are tenative plan is to get a tow to American point (From Seagull Outfitters) then fish the falls- stay if we are doing well, otherwise haul A$# up to Kawa bay and seek out some post-spawn hog pike near the mouth of the Waiwag river. If we are not having the success we hope for there head elswhere...maybe even Ferguson lake as that has Lakers as well as pike.

Any advice would greatly be appreciated!
04/10/2009 10:35AM

try the Forks at the end of the lake where the Maline river starts.
there are several waterways up that way with good size smooth bedrock cliffs around them and deep moving's the only place i have seen guides with fisherman...i knew he was a guide,a old man with a nose like Mt Rushmore and the guy in the bow of the canoe was %100 Orvis--saw that old guy a few times with other people over the years..
04/13/2009 03:50PM
We spent a couple nights around the cluster of islands in the area heading in to Kawa Bay last year. There are 2 nice sites; one is on the large island facing south and one on the main land facing the large island (also facing south). Ya can't miss either of them if you paddle around the big island. There are 3 pretty good reefs around the big island and a huge weed bed in-between the small islands and the big one to the north. If you're running a graph locator, check out the deeper water to the south of the big island. We marked a dozen "bait pods" with an occasional 3-4' arc on the locator. They looked just like the pods we see on Lake Michigan when the alewives school up and the Kings follow and gorge themselves. We only pulled up a couple small northerns from 40 fow trolling cranks, but some of those marks on the graph looked like some real trophies. Give 'er hell! There appeared to be 3 sites in the actual bay towards the mouth of the Wawiag all of which were occupied. This picture is looking south from the northern, main land site.
04/10/2009 08:13AM
We are going that direction again this year in late June. I don't know when you are getting your tow out, but camping after Dead Man's portage in Saganagons will be a good spot to stop and camp for your first night unless you want to press on and get completely as far as you can on the first day.

Lots of good fishing in that area of the lake and there are decent campsites. Fishing the water in front of the falls is incredible. I caught my largest Walleye there a couple of years ago of 28". In fact, we probably caught 30 or so Walleye in that area, all averaging around 24". Lots of good fishing below Bald Rock Falls also. I've never been fishing during the time of year you are going but we've always had good luck with Walleye, Huge Pike and 4 and 5 lb Smallies in late June.

I can't help you out with campsites past the Falls, but if you want some specifics on a good campsite before the falls, let me know and I'll lead you to it. I don't think it is listed on any of the maps. We just happened to find it by accident 3 years ago. Doesn't look like it is used much but has several nice tent sites.
