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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Clearing US Customs on Return from the Q
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07/19/2009 09:06PM
What do you folks do about US Customs. I have seen some posts discussing completing a form in Advance and just calling in. Is doing anything really required?
07/20/2009 09:17AM
The form you are talking about is just going to make it a little quicker.

The form should have the names, addresses, and ID numbers of all in the party, hand it to the Customs agent as you arrive with your passport, he will check to see all is in order, and ask a few simple questions and done.

Quick and painless.
07/19/2009 11:03PM
I'm not aware of any US border crossing permit that allows for "calling it in".

If you're returning to the US through Prairie Portage, you will pass a sign on the Fernberg Road a few miles from Ely reminding you that all people entering the US are required to stop at the US Customs office.

What will happen if you don't? You go ahead and find out. I'd rather not risk it.

If you're re-entering via a highway border crossing such as International Falls, you may (or may not) have an easier time.

In either case, have your passport handy and be on your most polite and respectful behavior. Most importantly if you don't want to be detained, DON'T BE STUPID.

Why do you ask?
07/20/2009 09:00AM
Phone Re-entry info

I have never done this, don't even know if it is possible for a canoe trip, but looks liek it. If you are re-entering off of the Gunflint there is a customs station in Grand Marai and if in the ELy area there is one in ELy. If you reenter by Crane--there is a Customs station on Crane as well. I just stop in to one of the stations on my way out of town.

Oh yes, it is required. I will admit in the past I have forgotten when comingin from Mudro form Quetico. Better not to take chances though.

07/20/2009 09:55AM
Thanks for the responses. It has been almost 30 years since I have been to the Q and in the past this was not part of the process at all and hence my comment about it being required. Since, I had not seen much discussion about it and had only read a little about the I-68 from Uncle Moose Post on his solo trip.

His quote:

"I packed up the car, and after an initial cough and sputter, it started, much to my relief. I made the drive back to Ely, and once back within cell phone range, I stopped to make a few calls. First I called U.S. customs to report my reentry back into the country (I had previously arranged this by obtaining an I-68 form)"

For the record, I am not attempting to avoid U.S. Customs or "Be Stupid" but trying to find the most efficient way to do this within the law. And it appears that some people didn't know there is another option than direct reporting.

But after reading the link provided by Timatkn in his post, the rules are very clear in regard to telephonic notification.

From the CBP.Gov webpage:

"One alternative to the in person reporting requirement is the Canadian Border Boat Landing (I-68) Program, which allows certain applicants entering the United States by small boat to telephonically report their arrival to CBP"

"The Form I-68, after an initial inspection, permits a boater to report their arrival into the United States telephonically without having to appear at a port-of-entry for an in person inspection. The initial inspection involves an interview, checking the individual in the Interagency Border Inspection System (IBIS) and possibly other law enforcement databases, completion of the form I-68, and payment of the fee"

The cost of this is $16.00 and I guess it may be easier and cheaper to stop at the Ely port-of-entry station.

07/20/2009 01:10PM
Mr. Jackfish,

No worries here brother. Message board tones are hard to measure. I was just trying to state facts as I knew or found them :-)
07/20/2009 11:04AM
Bojibob said, "And it appears that some people didn't know there is another option than direct reporting."

I'm guilty as charged. Sorry for the way I answered your question. I thought you were trying to circumvent the system.

As the saying goes, "One learns something everyday."
07/20/2009 01:51PM
The call in option might be a good one for someone that is going to exit late and cannot make it to customs before they close for the day. Then you either have to decide to chance it or wait around for a full day.

Thanks for bringing this up---I really gotta make sure I stop off in Ely for Customs this year. I have gotten lucky too many times :)

I usually remember by about the time I hit Cloquet :)
