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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Trip Information
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08/07/2009 08:13PM
That sounds really good. I will be camping on the two small islands in the Sturgeon narrows leading to March Lake. Please drop in. If I'm not there leave me a note.
08/05/2009 07:51PM
Well I am about to start my 30th trip into Quetico, of which 27 have been solo. I started when I was 30 and I am now over 62. I use to go for two weeks when I was working, now I go for three weeks. I currently live in Calgary so it’s quite a journey to get there. Here is my route for this year:

Beaverhouse Parking Portage to 1
1 Beaverhouse Lake Portage to 2
2 Quetico Lake Nite 1
Quetico Lake Portage to 3
3 Conk Lake Portage to 4
4 Jean Lake Nite 2
5 Ceph Lake Portage to 5
6 Albert Lake Portage to 6
Ceph Lake Portage to 7
7 Burnside Lake Nite 3
8 Rouge Lake Portage to 8
9 Rouge River Portage to 9
Rouge River Portage to 10
10 Sturgeon Lake
Sturgeon Narrows Nite 4
11 Sturgeon Narrows Portage to 12
12 Bentpine Creek Portage to 13
Bentpine Creek Portage to 14
13 March Lake Portage to 15
14 Bentpine Lake Portage to 16
March Lake Portage to 17
Bentpine Creek Portage to 18
Bentpine Creek Portage to 19
Strugeon Narrows Nite 5
Sturgeon Lake Portage to 20
15 Maligne River Portage to 21
Maligne River Portage to 22
16 Tanner Lake Nite 6
Tanner Lake Portage to 23
17 Andrew Creek
18 Darky River Portage to 24
19 Wicksteed Lake Nite 7 25
Wicksteed Lake Portage to
20 Darky Lake Portage to
Ballard Lake Portage to
Darky Lake Portage to
21 Argo Lake Portage to 27
22 Rowland Lake Portage to 28
Argo Lake Nite 8
Argo Lake Portage to 29
23 Cone Lake Portage to 30
24 Brent Lake Portage to 31
25 William Lake Nite 9
William Lake Portage to 32
26 Conmee Lake Portage to 33
27 Susanette Lake Nite 10
Susanette Lake Portage to 34
28 No Name Lake Portage to 35
Brent Lake Portage to 36
29 Scarlet Lake Portage to 37
30 McIntyre Lake Nite 11
McIntyre Lake Portage to 38
31 Paulene Lake Portage to 39
32 No Name Lake Portage to
33 Burt Lake Portage to 40
34 Marj Lake Portage to 41
35 No Name Lake Portage to 42
36 Joyce Lake Nite 12
Joyce Lake Portage to 43
37 No Name Lake Portage to 44
38 Kahshahpiwi Lake Portage to 45
39 Keefer Lake Nite 13
Keefer Lake Portage to 46
40 Sark Lake Portage to 47
41 Cairn Lake Portage to 48
42 Heronshaw Lake Nite 14
Heronshaw Lake Portage to 49
43 Kahshahpiwi River Portage to 50
44 Kawnipi Lake Portage to 51
45 Montgomery Lake Nite 15 52
Montgomery Lake Portage to 53
46 Shelly Lake Portage to 54
47 No Name Lake Portage to 55
48 Alice River Portage to 56
49 Alice Lake Portage to 57
50 Chatterton Lake Portage to 58
51 Russell Lake Nite 16
52 Sturgeon Narrows 59
53 Heron Bay
54 Fred Lake Nite 17
Sturgeon Lake
Walsh Lake Bay
Favorite Island Nite 18
Sturgeon Lake
55 Lonely River Portage to 60
Lonely River Portage to 61
56 Loonly Lake Nite 19 62
Walter River Portage to 63
57 Walter Lake Portage to 64
58 Elizabeth Lake Portage to 65
Jesse Lake Nite 20
59 Jesse Lake Portage to 66
60 Maria Lake Portage to 67
61 Pickeral Narrows Portage to 68
62 Batchewaung Bay Portage to 69
63 Batchewaung Lake Portage to 70
64 Nym Lake Day 21

As you can see I like to move most days and I will cover 64 lakes and do 70 portages while in the park. Lately, I have taken a sat phone in so I can talk to my wife and in case of emergencies. This year I am taking my ipod with an extrsas set of maps and voice recording my trip. I do fish a lot usually dragging a line while I am paddling and after dinner. Since I go for so long and I am so old I have to do all portages 3 times. Consequently I like to limit my portages to 1,000 metres. Last year I went 8 days without even seeing a canoe in the distance. I look forward to seeing you in the park and I will report when I return.

I know the route from Beaverhouse to Tanner and from Kahshahpiwi Lake to Nym Lake like the back of my hand. Any information that you can give on the south part like fishing, hazards, portages or campsites would be appreciated. If the portage from Tanner to the Black River is too weet I will take another day and go via Nym.
08/05/2009 08:42PM
Dude you are my idol.
08/05/2009 08:47PM
You are the man. Very neat sounding trip.
08/05/2009 09:34PM
You're the man. When I grow up, I want to take a trip like yours.
08/06/2009 05:54PM
Sunday I go in at Nym and should be down to sturgeon area about the same time as you. I may come in from March like you. If you see a Bell Magic paddled with a double blade say HI.

It my first solo and I am a couple of years older than you.

08/05/2009 10:03PM
Nice route! Have a great, and safe trip.
08/05/2009 10:55PM
08/06/2009 09:59AM
Ditto what others have said. SOUNDS LIKE AN AWESOME ADVENTURE! Just to be clear -- for those wanting to give suggestions -- the area you have NOT been through would be from Tanner to Kahshahpiwi? (I was through part of that area in June, and I think Patrick/"fishguts" has been through there a couple times.) --Goose

08/06/2009 01:13PM
Yes that's right. I have been through most of the Tanner to Kahshahpiwi before but it has been over 20 years ago. Since I have trouble remembering yesterday 20 years ago is long forgotten!!!
12/29/2009 08:58PM
You could always drop John an E-Mail by just hitting that envelope under his name......let us know what you find out.

12/29/2009 08:18PM

Just curious... did this trip ever happen?
12/29/2009 08:54PM
Yes. I lasted 21 days. I did about 90 %. Pics at:
The password is 7788.
It was a great trip with fantastic weather ie no wind. But it was lonely as I practically saw no one.