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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Ferguson & McKenzie
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11/19/2009 05:14PM
I asked about this area in passing in another post, and no one has responded, but I thought I might get more attention if folks see this is a subject line.

I'm thinking about heading to Ferguson next summer--a couple days to get there, a couple days hanging out and fishing on Ferguson, and then a couple days to get back out.

Anyone have any relevant experience?

The only info I have found about Ferguson on this and another website is about the portage to Cache River, which--based on what I've been reading--I do NOT intend to explore!
11/19/2009 08:38PM
Thanks, much! I'll send you mailing info via e-mail.

11/19/2009 08:58PM
I understand the creek between Ferguson and McKenzie is passable.
11/20/2009 07:17AM

QPassages has done that before and can provide you some detailed info.
11/19/2009 08:24PM

There are a couple of stories in the Boundary Waters Journal about these lakes, as I recall McKenzie has lots of Northern Pike and Ferguson is known for Lake Trout. I have a complete set of BWJournals and maybe I could locate those articles and send them to you....Tomorrow I leave for a conference in Portland and will be back Monday.
11/20/2009 07:20AM
I should have known. QPassages was the best source of info for the route we took this past summer. Guess he's been everywhere!