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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Booked June trip . . .
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01/21/2010 02:18PM
June 14 - 21 with canoe and shuttle from CanoeCanada, entering Stanton Bay, going to fish Rawn, Art, Buckingham and maybe into the B-lakes. Countdown started -- 143 days to go.

01/21/2010 02:57PM
Congrats...Can't wait to here how it went. Never been to that part of Quetico before.

01/21/2010 02:38PM
Goose! Cool Beans! That's an area I have never explored, can't wait to hear about it.....great time for fishing....the solstice.
01/21/2010 08:31PM
good for you