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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: question about self permitting/fees after the ranger stations close
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08/22/2010 02:31PM
Is cash or check in U.S. dollars okay, or does it need to be Canadian currency? What about exchange rates?
08/22/2010 02:55PM
tom, i dont think they take checks (may be wrong though)...just cash or credit card. in may 2009 we just paid in USD and blew off the exchange rate. i guess we considered it a "tip" to quetico. :)

edit that...memory is working now.

we DID figure in the exchange rate and paid in US currency.
08/22/2010 03:18PM
also, if for some reason you cut your trip cant get a refund for camping fees. this applies to before the stations officially open and after they close.
08/05/2010 05:01PM
They have envelopes with cost per day multiplied by people per group. You can pay cash or check and they have a steel box with a slit to put your deposit in. You tear off the top of part of the envelope with your group number or registration number on it. Cost is same as during regular season.

08/04/2010 09:47AM
we are planning on a late september trip this fall through prarie portage. although on other fall trips in the past we have exited the park after the ranger stations closed, we have never actually entered the park when they are closed for the season.

i understand that there is a self registration form to fill out and drop in a box at PP, but my real question is about fees. do we figure them out ourselves? and how are we expected to pay them. cash only? leave a credit card # ?? is there anyway to do it ahead of time?