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12/15/2010 11:17PM
There are a few small lake entry points in Quetico.
McAree #44, after the tow across Lac Lacroix you can enter #44 at Brewer Rapids, then after a brief sheltered stretch of McAree and Pond Lake you cross the Gratton (Long Haul Portage) 220 Rds. and are on Little Gratton. Of course after that are Wicksteed & Darkey Lakes.

Then there is Sue Falls Entry on the north side, but it too leads to bigger lakes.

Some times the wind blows, some times it doesn't.

Keep on paddleing! ;-)
12/16/2010 10:31AM
It sounds like your group has PLENTY of big water paddling skills and "toughness", just a perfectly understandable preference for less big water next time around. And speaking of "toughness", I certainly don't hear anything about wanting fewer portages. If anything, smaller water=more portaging. So please, don't let anyone convince you or your group of outdoors women that you aren't "tough" enough for paddling Quetico, big water or small.

That said, I second the suggestion of taking the man chain, returning via MEwen or the border route. Both are spectacular, but I would definitely encourage the former, despite the longer distance. You might also wish to consider a cache bay entry for a change. Much more character and solitude than afforded by the PP area, IMO.
12/15/2010 07:06PM
My group went to the Quetico for the first time during the 2010 summer. We unanimously agreed that we don't want to go back to the BWCA for a summer trip. We're Quetico fans now. :-)

That said, I'm looking for some route suggestions for my group. In August we took a tow up Moose, etc to PP. The only real complaint we had is that the gals in my group aren't fond of big water. Spending the fist and last day paddling Inlet Bay, Bayley Bay, and North Bay was not our idea of fun. Even paddling in the morning, we hit significant wind on all the bays. We spent hours paddling those darn bays.

So... in 2011 we'd like to find a route that maybe doesn't require being on big water much.

We're all fine using a tow to get off big water at the start and to move into the Quetico quicker.

Any suggestions? I consider myself a real newbie when it comes to the Quetico.

12/15/2010 07:16PM


Welcome to Q snobs club. If you go up to PP you can avoid the Big water by heading east to the Man Chain. The Man Chain is on my bucket list to do and there are many excellent trip reports to give some details.

Here is one written by Ho Ho that would give you a great starting point for thought.

Ho Ho and David Man Chain 2009
12/15/2010 09:43PM
If you check all the Q entry points, you will find that most require crossing big water, so to see the Q, your group will need to develop big water paddling skills, and toughness.
12/17/2010 11:12AM
OS, I could see why some may have taken your earlier words differently than you intended. I'd say no harm, no foul. As one who has actually met Sterngirl and her mates in action, I can attest to their abilities.

SG, IMHO, you can't really get away from starting/ending through fairly big water, unless you arranged tows or fly-ins. Even starting at PP or Cache Bay for the Man Chain can have significant winds coming or going.

One of my favorite areas is North of Crooked including lakes such as Argo, Elk, Ted, Suzanette, McIntyre, Robinson) you'll find some really great paddling and potential solitude. One way to get there is via tow from Crane Lake (haven't used this tow service yet, but I've read many reports of the great service of Zup's who get you right across LLC). Another way is the tow to PP and then the battle through North Bay over to Basswood Falls or Sarah. First week of July last summer, my son and I went through Nest and Point up to Sarah, McIntyre, Robinson, and Kett, saw very few paddlers after North Bay, and had a really great 8-day trip.

12/20/2010 04:05PM
I got a feeling that OS is a pretty tough old guy that can handle a little banter. Viking fans really took a beating this year.

I would add another vote for the Man Chain. While i'm not a big fan of crossing big water in a 30mph wind (i'm not very tough), it's almost unavoidable anywhere but the Man chain.

If you can get to Mack (fly in?), the route to the Falls Chain through Munro is really really cool. Lots of mooseseses. And lot's of small waters through the Falls-Man Chain-PP.
12/20/2010 07:34PM
the man chain is one trip id like to repeat someday...if that says anything.
12/15/2010 09:28PM
I'd second the Man Chain. You can either return to PP via the border route, or better yet (if you don't mind portaging), back to Louisa/Agnes via McEwen, Glacier, and Fauquier Lakes. At some point, though, to really get to explore the park you'll need to paddle some fairly big lakes. "Big" is all relative though.
12/17/2010 10:43AM
While I stand by my original post, I don't appreciate the added "spin" by other posts. My remarks would have been the same directed to guys as to girls. 'Toughness' has more than physical characteristics. It refers here to mental and emotional attitude necessary for big water crossings. It' a real shame that some would see things so negatively.

BTW, I know lot's of great female and male paddlers.
12/17/2010 08:07PM
Thanks for the suggestions.

Our trip this past summer was through PP up to Kahsh. Once off the bays, we loved the lakes that we traveled through. Shan Walshe was probably our most favorite lake. The small site on that lake is really quite beautiful and amazing.

I understand that sometimes "big water" is unavoidable. Since I'm not as familiar with the Quetico, I was just posing the question for ideas of different routes.
12/19/2010 05:49AM
Yeah, Zups' tow service is really only for tough paddlers. You have to have some big water tow toughness to get across LLC in a Zups boat.
12/19/2010 09:19AM
quote old_salt: "No, you do not need to rent anything for the tow. I've used Anderson's, Randy, and Zups. Zups is the only one I've had poor service from. I prefer Anderson's."

quote Obergut: "Yeah, Zups' tow service is really only for tough paddlers. You have to have some big water tow toughness to get across LLC in a Zups boat."

HAH! You guys crack me up Thx for the tips.
12/19/2010 09:14PM
No problem. ;)
12/22/2010 01:58PM
quote PineKnot: "quote old_salt: "No, you do not need to rent anything for the tow. I've used Anderson's, Randy, and Zups. Zups is the only one I've had poor service from. I prefer Anderson's."

quote Obergut: "Yeah, Zups' tow service is really only for tough paddlers. You have to have some big water tow toughness to get across LLC in a Zups boat."

HAH! You guys crack me up Thx for the tips."

Everyone on board here has to take a "grain of salt" now and then. ;-) --ogg
12/17/2010 06:41PM
Once you go "Q" nothing else will do. Of late, I've been going in the northern side of the Q....some of the advantages: even fewer people than other EPs...fantastic sandy beach lines for permits (PP), lots of different routes..falls, rapids,great island campsites, RABC permit needed and a wonderful campsite and parking area on French Lake to begin your trip, i.e., no hotel needed. There are some challenges: Pickerel Lake can be windy...I was windbound for 3 days once w/ 40 mph winds and 3+ ft waves.
12/18/2010 10:11AM
Sterngirl, I would not rule out Bottle Portage entry with a tow across LLC. Bottle is pretty small and then once in bigger Iron Lake you can seek island shelters and head for the Four Island chute. From there you could portage Rebecca Falls into McAree or portage around Curtain Falls and only paddle briefly on big Crooked Lake to the Siobhan River and the Rolands. We used Bottle in 2009 with an early tow and favorable winds and had no problems, and we're NOT real tough big water paddlers. Also remember your entry here IS Bottle, so once in you can go wherever, depending on the winds, etc. --Goose

12/18/2010 02:15PM
A tow across LLC is a great option. Lots of sites to see in this area of the BW/Quetico (some of the best pictos and two of the best waterfalls for starters). The tow itself is an adventure and will take you across two mechanized portages. It adds some expense, but it's worth every penny IMHO.
12/18/2010 05:39PM
Just curious. Do you have to rent a canoe and/or gear to book a tow from Crane to Bottle Portage?
12/18/2010 05:58PM
quote PineKnot: "Just curious. Do you have to rent a canoe and/or gear to book a tow from Crane to Bottle Portage?"

VNO took care of our arrangements for next year and it doesn't show on the website that you must rent anything. Check with Lynn I'm sure she will work with you.
12/18/2010 08:46PM
No, you do not need to rent anything for the tow. I've used Anderson's, Randy, and Zups. Zups is the only one I've had poor service from. I prefer Anderson's.
12/19/2010 06:16AM
Why give old salt crap like that? Old Salt didn't deserve that. Now, if it's in jest, you need to use one of these :) after.
01/24/2011 08:28PM
I think we've narrowed it down to either #43- McAree, or #44- Bottle River. We'll use a tow. We aren't fisherwomen, but will wet a line on the trip. We're a group of women ages 42-68 who love to travel, swim, and explore.

Anyone care to share a preference between these two points? We'll be entering late August.

I appreciate all feedback. :-)

Ho Ho
01/24/2011 08:59PM
These two entry points are pretty similar, assuming that once you enter you are going via Curtain Falls to Crooked Lake and possibly points beyond. Whether you enter at Bottle River or McAree, if you are going to Crooked Lake you will go through Iron. The difference is just at the very beginning. If you go in at Bottle, you have one portage (Bottle Portage - can be pretty muddy in many seasons, and mucky at the end in lower water) to get to Iron Lake. If you go at McAree, you have a portage into McAree from LLC (either around Brewer Rapids or the Black Robe portage - same EP), and then another portage around Rebecca Falls to Iron Lake. Rebecca Falls is worth a detour in any event, so you should factor that in. On our only trip entering on the west side, we went in at McAree and came out at Bottle River, and you can also do the reverse, just set it up with your tow service.

The only time it might make a real difference which of these EPs you choose would be if you wanted to go from McAree Lake over a series of portages to Wicksteed to Darkwater. In that case, you would want the McAree entry, not Bottle. But that's a more arduous journey and doesn't sound like what you have in mind.

01/24/2011 10:10PM
We have come in through Brewer Rapids our last two trips, interesting with high water because you are paddling upstream across Brewer Lake. The two portages into McAree are short....the second one goes right through a campsite at the Brewer Rapids....interesting if it is occupied. We took the Gratton Death March Portages into Gratton & Wicksteed. Good largemouth fishing in the Grattons.
01/25/2011 05:17AM
quote sterngirl: "I think we've narrowed it down to either #43 McAree, or #44- Bottle River. We'll use a tow. We aren't fisherwomen, but will wet a line on the trip. We're a group of women ages 42-68 who love to travel, swim, and explore.

Anyone care to share a preference between these two points? We'll be entering late August.

I appreciate all feedback. :-)"

My oponion - if your heading into the Q you can't go wrong.