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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Trips to Quetico in 2011
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12/28/2010 10:18AM
Who has a trip to Quetico planned in 2011? My buddy just called me this morning and the plans have now officially begun for our usual trip in June. We'll be looking at a Beaverhouse entry with a base-camping destination to be determined so we can search for the tasty walleye.

Might have eight people in our group this year (instead of the normal six). My buddy has a friend with a son who has done many trips into the BW but has never been to Q. Planning food for eight is always a bit more challenging, but should be just fine.

12/28/2010 10:43AM
ok, now im officially jazzed. i just made my bunk and tow reservation 10 minutes ago.

hunter island loop, here i come.
12/28/2010 10:48AM
quote kanoes: "ok, now im officially jazzed. i just made my bunk and tow reservation 10 minutes ago. hunter island loop, here i come."
That is so cool, Jan. Really looking forward to seeing your specific route and hearing the details.
12/28/2010 11:12AM
itll pretty much be the loop beymer lays out in his book. i would like to alter the return from the west the lakes north of crooked instead of paddling the border back. however, that isnt in stone yet.
12/28/2010 12:04PM
The Journey continues! We have booked through VNO and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through McIntyre to Robinson. From Robinson through the Tuck River to Crooked (Lower Basswood Falls) and then we will be slumming through the BWCA on our last day via the Horse River/Lake and exit at Mudro. 8 day trip including 2 PLANNED layover days (Argo/Robinson).

My 5 year plan:

Quetico 2011 - Refine gear and skills.
WCPP 2012 - Tandem trip
Quetico 2013 - Solo? (Man Chain)
Quetico 2014 - The Return to Hoare Lake: 35 years later. 1979-2014
Quetico 2015 - Western Quetico (LLC, Beaverhouse, Quetico Lake, Jean, Sturgeon, Maligne River to LLC)

I hope my health, finances and motivation allow me to meet these goals.
12/28/2010 11:17AM
Just booked our trip.

Getting a shuttle to Beaverhouse Lake and paddling back through Quetico Lake, Jean, Sturgeon, the Poets, Kawnipi and the Falls Chain to Cache Bay.

8 days--gonna be sweet. Late May.

Also, doing a 6 day fishing trip to Kawnipi in August with my brothers.
12/28/2010 01:50PM
Hey! We have a similar trip to bojibob.
We have booked early June, through Jordan's Outfitters and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through to Suzanette and back to Lac Lacroix by way of Conmee, William, Darky, Wicksteed and the Darky River to Black Robe Portage.
We may change up and head into Gardener Bay of Crooked then the "Guides Portage" & up to Ted and the back way thru Earl and into Brent.
Exciting trip....great fishing...I'm changing out my entire tackle box to BWJ barbless hooks.
12/28/2010 03:58PM

I'm making the Pines Loop sometime in late August. All planning done except for choosing the date!
12/28/2010 04:00PM
quote kanoes: "ok, now im officially jazzed. i just made my bunk and tow reservation 10 minutes ago.

hunter island loop, here i come."

I'm envious man! Going solo? Either way, it will be a blast!
12/28/2010 05:25PM
quote bojibob: "The Journey continues! We have booked through VNO and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through McIntyre to Robinson. From Robinson through the Tuck River to Crooked (Lower Basswood Falls) and then we will be slumming through the BWCA on our last day via the Horse River/Lake and exit at Mudro. 8 day trip including 2 PLANNED layover days (Argo/Robinson).

My 5 year plan:

Quetico 2011 - Refine gear and skills.
WCPP 2012 - Tandem trip
Quetico 2013 - Solo? (Man Chain)
Quetico 2014 - The Return to Hoare Lake: 35 years later. 1979-2014
Quetico 2015 - Western Quetico (LLC, Beaverhouse, Quetico Lake, Jean, Sturgeon, Maligne River to LLC)

I hope my health, finances and motivation allow me to meet these goals."

bojibob - Your 2015 trip route is outstanding. We did it in 1996. Still my favorite trip to date. I wouldn't mind doing parts of that trip again some day.
12/28/2010 02:23PM
quote fishguts: "Hey! We have a similar trip to bojibob.
We have booked early June, through Jordan's Outfitters and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through to Suzanette and back to Lac Lacroix by way of Conmee, William, Darky, Wicksteed and the Darky River to Black Robe Portage.
We may change up and head into Gardener Bay of Crooked then the "Guides Portage" & up to Ted and the back way thru Earl and into Brent.
Exciting trip....great fishing...I'm changing out my entire tackle box to BWJ barbless hooks."

Takes good notes and pictures! We are going in Mid-August.
12/28/2010 02:43PM
OK will do!
12/28/2010 02:58PM
Trip just on the drawing board now. Put in at French or Stanton Bay and head south with some zig zags thru Sturgeon, Fred, Chatterton, Poet's, Kahshapiwi, Sarah, Robinson, Basswood. We have 14 days so whatever we feel like we can do.
12/28/2010 04:52PM
quote solotrek: "quote kanoes: "ok, now im officially jazzed. i just made my bunk and tow reservation 10 minutes ago.

hunter island loop, here i come."

I'm envious man! Going solo? Either way, it will be a blast!"

yep, solo.
05/01/2011 04:27PM
Loop out of Beaverhouse September 4 for 5 nights - first solo. Any campsites in the southwest end of Beaverhouse?
05/01/2011 04:46PM
quote solotrek: "
I'm making the Pines Loop sometime in late August. All planning done except for choosing the date!"

RABC now in hand. 8/27 is the date! I'm juiced!
Old Hoosier
01/03/2011 07:35PM
Have a tentative party of 6 headed to Beaverhouse in Sept. Will paddle Quetico, Badwater, Your, and maybe Bentpine.
12/28/2010 05:53PM

I have been to Pooh Bah. 1980. I don't fish so maybe they will last a little longer.


Good to hear, it always been an area I wanted to see. I would like to hit all the "zones" of the Q before I die and if I can be lucky enough to execute the 5 year plan. I only have 4 or 5 to go!
12/28/2010 07:54PM
We are planning a late May trip though the Man Chain to the Falls Chain and returning via Agnes Lake. I am looking forward to another trip with my 19 year old son.
01/10/2011 11:42AM
Booked our trip over the weekend . . . Jim of Canoe Canada's "King of Quetico" fly-in (or out).* We leave Atikokan June 5 and will be picked up at King Point (Ranger Bay/Basswood) on June 12.

Probable route will be Nym-Batch-etc. to Jesse, then down through Elizabeth-Walter-Lonely to Sturgeon. Then probably via Fred-Camel-etc. over to Cairn and down through Keefer-Kahshapiwi-McNiece-Shan Walshe-etc. and to Basswood. (After leaving Sturgeon the rest will be all new territory.)

I am really excited about this trip and the chance to visit some interior lakes I've read about and exit in the south where I have never paddled. Oh, and getting to fly back and get an aerial view of things!


*These are Sunday-Sunday trips and CC hopes to avoid flying canoes back and forth by having some people paddle north, others south and leaving the canoes stashed at the old ranger cabin.
02/20/2011 10:59PM
We've been planning our 2011 trip since we returned from our trip last year, and the plan has changed 4 times since August even though the route is the same (not uncommon I'm sure!). Funny how one week after returning we had the easiest route written down for a 10 day trip......January 1st added a day and planned for a much more aggressive trip (feeling good "New Years Resolution" thing??).......2 weeks (and I'm sure a few beers) later kept the added day but also added a few layover days......then just this weekend (a month later) decided not to go as far up as planned and do more of a base camp trip where we (hopefully) spend 3-4 out of our 10 nights at one of our favorite camps - or explore a few camps we passed that looked intriguing (winter laziness setting in??). Feeling somewhat wimpy, our excuses are this way we can do more fishing and exploring which we didn't have much time to do last year because I was very sick the first 3 days and it set us back 3 days on Meadows. And our older dog Karma just turned 11 years old today so we told her that her gift is to have more layover days this year to rest her aching joints (and no fireworks to deal with July 4th which to her is GREAT!) :-)

Anyhoo, the plan is to enter Prairie Portage July 3rd and go up Agnes til wherever we feel like stopping and of course depending on the weather. Return trip through the S Chain, 11 day 10 night trip so there is A LOT of flexibility. Happy paddling to all!
02/20/2011 11:48PM
quote kanoes: "ok, now im officially jazzed. i just made my bunk and tow reservation 10 minutes ago.

hunter island loop, here i come."

Okay, I’m officially being labeled as addicted to this website…..we were just talking about our future trip plans/looking at the maps, and my guy said we should eventually do the Hunters Island Loop (he’s done it before, my first Quetico trip was last year). To which I replied, “Kanoes is doing that solo this year!”. Being a guy who doesn’t get into anything with the internet, I think he had to laugh because he actually knew who I was talking about :-)
02/21/2011 12:09AM
you think YOURE addicted to this place? haha

i type alot, i know. im a total rookie compared to so many people on i still learn new things on here and on every trip i take. hell, i didnt even do my first loop trip until 2006. its a midlife charge for me now...the ticking clock thing. :)

btw? youll love the s chain.
04/30/2011 09:19PM
i Could post my dream Q trip that i need to take in the next 5 years or so...

04/30/2011 08:44PM
04/30/2011 11:45PM
quote mocha: "i Could post my dream Q trip that i need to take in the next 5 years or so..."
I'd like to hear what your dream trip is. Sounds like it's time to get out the maps.
05/01/2011 08:30AM
Heading out this Saturday, May 7, for a 9 day solo focusing on the following lakes: Robinson, McIntyre, Marj, Burt, Suzanette, Brent, William, Darky, Argo. Targeting ice-out lakers and pike. Hoping the ice melts this week with the warmer temps...

Anyone else praying for warm weather this week? :-)

05/01/2011 10:49AM
Man chain. Entering August 9th.
04/30/2011 06:27PM
05/24/2011 10:43PM
We put in at Nym on June 4 (11 days?) and paddle/portage to King Point on Basswood for a flight back to Atikokan on June 12. Getting ready! --goose
05/30/2011 04:38PM
My first post to this sub-forum.

I am leaving in a few days for a guided fly fishing trip with Moose Tracks. We are going to Quetico, but beyond that I don't know the route. I am hopeful of good weather and better fishing.
01/22/2011 09:22PM
what time of year was it when the fishing was so good on Wink?

I've camped on the Maligne River site closest to Poohbah Creek also many times. Actually there's another site that is further up the Maligne, althogh small, that is connected by a walking path along the river.
12/28/2010 05:12PM
quote bojibob: "The Journey continues! We have booked through VNO and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through McIntyre to Robinson. From Robinson through the Tuck River to Crooked (Lower Basswood Falls) and then we will be slumming through the BWCA on our last day via the Horse River/Lake and exit at Mudro. 8 day trip including 2 PLANNED layover days (Argo/Robinson).

My 5 year plan:

Quetico 2011 - Refine gear and skills.
WCPP 2012 - Tandem trip
Quetico 2013 - Solo? (Man Chain)
Quetico 2014 - The Return to Hoare Lake: 35 years later. 1979-2014
Quetico 2015 - Western Quetico (LLC, Beaverhouse, Quetico Lake, Jean, Sturgeon, Maligne River to LLC)

I hope my health, finances and motivation allow me to meet these goals."

Rob, If you can, plan for a 2-3 day detour to Poobah as you come down the fishing in Quetico...but will probably be all fished out by 2015...

01/02/2011 04:39PM
quote BillConner01: "Kanoes - how long are you allowing for the Hunter's Island loop?"
14 but i could go 16 if needed.
01/02/2011 07:30PM

Thanks for the reply. I hope you had a great Holiday!
03/25/2011 08:12AM
03/25/2011 09:37AM
quote HowardSprague: "(Not sure if I'm allowed to post in this "private" section, but here goes-)

Last week of June, in at Pickerel lake (Stanton),going down toward Chatterton/etc (tentatively via Sauvage/Bonhomme, depends what the others decide), then looping up somehow and out at Nym.

I think we'll have 7 people in our group. "

Our group is rethinking the two Fern to Alice portages, since:
- we want fishing time
- couple of newbies on trip, it should be a great experience for them not an ordeal.
- taking another route to Chatterton and staying there, will allow more time in what's supposed to be a real gem of an area
- more time paddling less time portaging
- reputation of those two portages for thigh-deep muck.
- I showed a route map to GeoFisher, he thought it was aggressive. got input from some other experienced people too

I'm not the trip leader or even a "core regular" of this group, so I will have no objection to either route. Will be great either way and I'm glad to be invited!
03/25/2011 02:08PM
HowardSprague, You are a member and allowed to post. Thanks for your post.
03/25/2011 03:37PM
quote fishguts: "HowardSprague, You are a member and allowed to post. Thanks for your post.

Thanks, now next time I won't have to use Jackfish's secret access code!
03/25/2011 04:21PM
quote HowardSprague: "quote fishguts: "HowardSprague, You are a member and allowed to post. Thanks for your post.

Thanks, now next time I won't have to use Jackfish's secret access code!"

Yep... from now on, you have your own.

Login: HowardSprague
Password: AndyOpieAuntBea

01/03/2011 11:32PM
quote Old Hoosier: "Have a tentative party of 6 headed to Beaverhouse in Sept. Will paddle Quetico, Badwater, Your, and maybe Bentpine. "
You might want to reconsider, Old Hoosier. I know for a fact that area has been fished out (or will be by June).
01/05/2011 05:15PM
Hopefully The Falls Chain in August
01/18/2011 09:00AM
Twin Falls up to PoohBah and maybe into Wink May 20-27, I need to do some hardcore fishing this year! I have been taking it easy the last few years.
01/18/2011 01:49PM
Falls chain to Kawnipi on June 4 for 8 days! First quetico trip.
Old Hoosier
01/10/2011 09:09PM
Yup - no joke. We almost starved last year.

All we could do to smell fishy at the end of the day. :)

Good paddlin'

Old Hoosier
01/11/2011 11:41AM
The "King of Quetico" Fly in Canoe Trip
01/21/2011 06:55PM
Jake ...

Don't you just love that portage into wink, Ha! It'll make a man outta 'ya!

Really like the "Hole in the Rock fireplace " campsite with the over look up top. Some pretty good fishing too. Be sure and fish around the islands towards the Poohbah portage early & lake with top water. Some real good smallmouth there. Got a couple of 22 inchers there in 2007.
01/22/2011 08:51AM

The first time I went into Wink we were camped at the mouth of Poohbah creek on the Milange river - the fishing was so good in Wink that we portaged in and out 5 days in a row. The following year we portaged everything in and spent the week in Wink the fishing was good but not as unbelievable as the first year.
We are getting old but I hope I can talk the two guys I'm going with to camp the last three days of our trip in Wink - sometimes it can be hard to talk yourself into moving when the fishing is so good on Poobah.
01/23/2011 08:54AM
End of May start of June around Memorial Day is when we usually go.
02/17/2011 07:50AM
UGH! Today is the day to try and get my permit. I start calling right at 0600 (central time) and start getting "we are experiencing technically difficulties" recordings mixed with the busy signals almost right away. Finally got to a person at about 0610 who said they were having "server problems" and I should try back in 5-20 minutes. Huh? 5-20 minutes? How does that work for a "first come, first come" system?

Tried every 1-3 minutes for the next hour and got nothing but busy signals. Maybe Ill get lucky and get through later this morning.
02/21/2011 11:35AM
quote 2K10: Anyhoo, the plan is to enter Prairie Portage July 3rd and go up Agnes til wherever we feel like stopping and of course depending on the weather. Return trip through the S Chain, 11 day 10 night trip so there is A LOT of flexibility. Happy paddling to all!"
Your route sounds like my trip from last year.

Here is the link to the report and video.

Quetico Journey
02/21/2011 10:37AM
Did you ever get through?
What entry point are you trying to get?

02/08/2011 12:20PM
Just booked my 2011 trip. Nine days with my 14 year-old son in June.
02/22/2011 07:46AM
quote fishguts: "WindChill!
Did you ever get through?
What entry point are you trying to get?"

Yeah, I tried at lunch and got right in. We were able to get an entry to Agnes (via PP). It was our third choice of EP on our first choice of dates so I thought that was pretty good success.

I made a comment about their computer problems and the lady apologized. Said their IT folks had done some maintenance over night and missed their schedule for getting it completed.

02/22/2011 01:07PM
quote kanoes: "you think YOURE addicted to this place? haha

i type alot, i know. im a total rookie compared to so many people on i still learn new things on here and on every trip i take. hell, i didnt even do my first loop trip until 2006. its a midlife charge for me now...the ticking clock thing. :)

btw? youll love the s chain."

Always enjoy your input kanoes so type away :-) I'm even more of a rookie than you (and from what I've read I wouln't label you as a rookie!), and appreciate every bit of advice from this site, VERY happy I stumbled upon it when planning our trip last year!

Looking forward to exploring more of the S chain. Our plan last year was to go back the same way we came (through the Meadows and North Portages), but the first 3 days being sick took a lot out of me and I didn't feel like doing those portages again or tackling the headwind on Agnes. Due to weather, we got a late start from the island camp on Agnes where the pictos are and only made it to Sultry (neat lake!). The following day went from Sultry to Burke so we didn't have as much time as I would have liked to do more exploring.
02/22/2011 01:23PM
quote bojibob: "quote 2K10: Anyhoo, the plan is to enter Prairie Portage July 3rd and go up Agnes til wherever we feel like stopping and of course depending on the weather. Return trip through the S Chain, 11 day 10 night trip so there is A LOT of flexibility. Happy paddling to all!"
Your route sounds like my trip from last year.

Here is the link to the report and video.

Quetico Journey "

Yes, very similar! I loved your trip report and especially the video, thanks for sharing such a cool experience!! I've actually taken notes (well, just copy/pasted info into a Word doc) from your trip report and many others for future reference :-)
02/11/2011 07:56PM
quote HowardSprague: "(Not sure if I'm allowed to post in this "private" section, but here goes-) "
I've talked it over with the other moderators and we've all decided to let you by this time. Just don't slip up again... ;-)
02/11/2011 08:08PM
quote HowardSprague: "(Not sure if I'm allowed to post in this "private" section, but here goes-) "
Don't be intimidated by these Moderator types ;-), this is a Private Forum, and they are here by invitation too. You are welcome to pitch in, hope you enjoy!

05/12/2011 08:40PM
My son, Ted, and I are going in at Prairie Portage this year. We usually go in at Cache Bay and go to Kawnipi via the Falls Chain, but, this year, we're doing something different, going up Agnes to Kawnipi (our favorite lake) and back. We're doing it in August. We hope the winds are calm and the thunderstorms are non-existent, but it will probably be just the opposite. Nevertherless, we look forward to this trip.
Old Hoosier
05/02/2011 01:17PM

Although I travel through Beaverhouse almost every year, I have not been to the SW end. There are sites all over in the eastern end. I have stayed at several near the portage in/out to Quetico.

If you explore the western end of BH, keep me posted. I have always been interested in Beaverhouse as a possible destination for a "heavy family trip." It would require only a portage from car to water, and from there stay on BH. It is NOT a destination lake and I believe the western end would be highly secluded.

It is stacked full of smallmouth, walleye, big pike and lake trout. Can't keep the SM off the hook.

As an FYI - there is a resort called Indiaonta just North at the Flanders turn-off exactly where you head down to BH. It offers cabins for $58 per adult per night. Allows a very early start plus they provide permits (no stop at BH Ranger station) as well as fishing license, etc.

Good paddling,
Old Hoosier

05/02/2011 11:19PM
Thanks! I will do a trip report. That sw end just looks interesting on the maps and google earth.
05/18/2011 10:36PM
Yes, I have been following bits and pieces of your trip on here.

I look forward to reading all about your adventure. Have a great one!
01/02/2011 03:02PM
Still mulling options and looking forward to All-Canada show here this coming weekend . . . looks like partner's work will dictate our going in early June . . . probably out of Prairie Portage (a first) up through Kahsh to Burt (maybe to Brent?) and loop back out through Sarah and Isabella to PP. --Goose
01/02/2011 04:53PM
quote bojibob: ". . . then we will be slumming through the BWCA on our last day . . . " Just got the "slumming" part-- I love that! Amen.
01/02/2011 03:34PM
Best of luck and safe trips to all of you in 2011.

Health permitting, I plan two trips this summer in late-June and July. The routes are just about set, but not the specific dates. One will be 8-9 days in either LLC or Falls Chain with one or two of my sons. The other will be the 21-day solo I was unable to do last summer (Prairie Portage-Kahshahpiwi-Cairn-Shelley/Montgomery-McDougall-Camel/Hoare-Delahey-Suzanette-Ted-Robinson-Basswood.

I’m trying not to think too much about the trips or I’ll drive myself crazy...

01/02/2011 04:15PM
h2Oman - sorry - just saw your post. The only remarkable site I recall was on Mackenzie Bay - a smallish island not quite half way between Kawanipi and the portage to Mackenzie Lake. The site on Saganagons was nice - a western facing point opposite Dead Mans Portage. Were or when I go that way again, I'd plan more time in Falls Chain.

We don't fish so can't help much there - except we watched a soloer catch one on every cast below one of the falls.
01/02/2011 04:21PM
Goose - I belive you live not far from me - where is All Canada show you refer to?
01/02/2011 04:28PM
Kanoes - how long are you allowing for the Hunter's Island loop?

01/02/2011 03:14PM
quote snakecharmer: "quote bojibob: "The Journey continues! We have booked through VNO and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through McIntyre to Robinson. From Robinson through the Tuck River to Crooked (Lower Basswood Falls) and then we will be slumming through the BWCA on our last day via the Horse River/Lake and exit at Mudro. 8 day trip including 2 PLANNED layover days (Argo/Robinson).

My 5 year plan:

Quetico 2011 - Refine gear and skills.
WCPP 2012 - Tandem trip
Quetico 2013 - Solo? (Man Chain)
Quetico 2014 - The Return to Hoare Lake: 35 years later. 1979-2014
Quetico 2015 - Western Quetico (LLC, Beaverhouse, Quetico Lake, Jean, Sturgeon, Maligne River to LLC)

I hope my health, finances and motivation allow me to meet these goals."

bojibob - Your 2015 trip route is outstanding. We did it in 1996. Still my favorite trip to date. I wouldn't mind doing parts of that trip again some day."
Correction charmer, that was 2006.
01/02/2011 04:30PM

I live in Alton, IL and the show is Fri-Sun (7-9th) at the St. Charles, MO convention center, about 30 minutes for me. Probably will go just to say "hi" to Canoe Canada and Zup's people, who are usually there. All Canada Show

12/29/2010 07:18AM
quote h20man: "We are planning a late May trip though the Man Chain to the Falls Chain and returning via Agnes Lake. I am looking forward to another trip with my 19 year old son. "

I did that with my son 4 years ago and it was our favorite trip. We went way up into Mackenzie Bay for a couple of days before heading down Agnes.
12/29/2010 07:55AM
quote kanoes: "quote solotrek: "quote kanoes: "ok, now im officially jazzed. i just made my bunk and tow reservation 10 minutes ago.

hunter island loop, here i come."

I'm envious man! Going solo? Either way, it will be a blast!"

yep, solo."

Awesome! Can't wait to read the report.
12/29/2010 11:02AM
man chain mid july. cant wait
12/29/2010 04:33PM

Any recommended campsites or fishing areas you would be willing to share would be greatly appreciated. We may travel back via Kashapiwi if we have the time to travel a lttle further on Kawanipi.

If you are willing to share and would like to respond by email my address is

We are really looking forward to the trip. Do you have a trip report on your trip with your sons?
01/24/2011 05:49PM
Just booked our trip today. Eight of us going in at Beaverhouse and Quetico Lake on June 13th. First time going with eight people. Hope it works out ok. Food planning and tent pads can be concerns.
02/09/2011 08:12AM
quote Jackfish: "at Beaverhouse and Quetico Lake on June 13th. "
My first trip to the Q was Beaverhouse, Quetico, Jean, Sturgeon, (I think) Walter and back. My favorite trip without a doubt. A map with the trip marked and a gpx of the route is on my site if you are interested:


The campsite on Jean is plenty big for a group your size if you will be heading that way.

This year we'll be going in at Moose and crossing over PP. Im getting excited! That is....if I can get the permit next week :-O

02/11/2011 10:05AM
(Not sure if I'm allowed to post in this "private" section, but here goes-)

Last week of June, in at Pickerel lake (Stanton),going down toward Chatterton/etc (tentatively via Sauvage/Bonhomme, depends what the others decide), then looping up somehow and out at Nym.

I think we'll have 7 people in our group.
02/11/2011 05:28PM
quote bojibob: "The Journey continues! We have booked through VNO and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through McIntyre to Robinson. From Robinson through the Tuck River to Crooked (Lower Basswood Falls) and then we will be slumming through the BWCA on our last day via the Horse River/Lake and exit at Mudro. 8 day trip including 2 PLANNED layover days (Argo/Robinson).
Whats your plan from McIntyre to Robinson ? Went from Robinson to McIntyre through McIntyre Creek last summer there was quite a few trees either blown down or a beaver chewed them. Had to do quite a few pull overs and unders of the trees.

Sounds like an amazing trip good luck.
02/11/2011 06:32PM
quote MplsKcid: "quote bojibob: "The Journey continues! We have booked through VNO and will be taking the JetBoat through the Loon River to LLC (Bottle Portage) and taking the Siobhan River (Roland Chain) into Argo. From Argo up through Brent and down through McIntyre to Robinson. From Robinson through the Tuck River to Crooked (Lower Basswood Falls) and then we will be slumming through the BWCA on our last day via the Horse River/Lake and exit at Mudro. 8 day trip including 2 PLANNED layover days (Argo/Robinson).

Whats your plan from McIntyre to Robinson ? Went from Robinson to McIntyre through McIntyre Creek last summer there was quite a few trees either blown down or a beaver chewed them. Had to do quite a few pull overs and unders of the trees.

Sounds like an amazing trip good luck."

We won't be taking the Creek, we run down through Deer and Cecil. I was aware that the creek is NOT a shortcut. Appreciate the reminder though :-)
05/01/2011 06:05PM
quote IowaGuy: "Heading out this Saturday, May 7, for a 9 day solo focusing on the following lakes: Robinson, McIntyre, Marj, Burt, Suzanette, Brent, William, Darky, Argo. Targeting ice-out lakers and pike. Hoping the ice melts this week with the warmer temps...

Anyone else praying for warm weather this week? :-)"

Have a fun and safe trip IowaGuy and everyone else heading into the park in the next few weeks! Brrrrr.....have you thought of wearing a dry suit? :-)
05/01/2011 06:23PM
Also 8/27, route/entry not yet finalized
05/18/2011 09:47PM
My solo trip from Beaverhouse to the Gunflint Trail begins on July 8th. I will be coming down Agnes and saving the "Falls Chain" for a future trip with the wife. I am returning to the BWCA with her at the end of July for a 9 day trip off the Gunflint trail.

I have been a member of BWCA.Com for 2 weeks now and this is my first time in this forum. Thanks for having me.

I wish everyone here safe trips this year.
05/18/2011 10:05PM
quote JoeWilderness: "My solo trip from Beaverhouse to the Gunflint Trail begins on July 8th. I will be coming down Agnes and saving the "Falls Chain" for a future trip with the wife. I am returning to the BWCA with her at the end of July for a 9 day trip off the Gunflint trail.

I have been a member of BWCA.Com for 2 weeks now and this is my first time in this forum. Thanks for having me.

I wish everyone here safe trips this year."

we are doing a group solo on part of that route in 8 days....same entry but doing the poets and falls chains, out sag.