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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: East arm of Agnes
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04/05/2011 04:30PM
We're thinking of taking a detour to check out the dead end east arm of Agnes (about mid to 3/4 of the way up) - anyone have any info on that area they'd like to share? Mainly wondering if it's worth the extra paddling, from what I recall that area seemed pretty burned/bare. I read that there are some pictos up there but that they're very hard to see.
04/08/2011 08:50AM
Ran into a older couple that every year camped at the entrance to the east arm. They loved that area. I don't think to many people go to the end. I do know a few people who have caught fish down there.
04/08/2011 01:47PM
Thanks for the input Pinetree! Assuming the weather gods treat us right, we're definitely going to check it out. Hoping to camp at one of the nearby islands for 3 days so we can explore more of Agnes.
Ho Ho
04/05/2011 10:14PM
Sorry, I don't have any information, but I have to think that if it is a dead end - then it's definitely worth exploring. Thanks for the idea, I'll want to do it on our next Agnes trip.

04/05/2011 10:18PM
There is a nice, very private (not often used) campsite deep in the arm with a sweet sand beach.
04/06/2011 08:36PM
04/06/2011 09:08PM
quote Ho Ho: "Sorry, I don't have any information, but I have to think that if it is a dead end - then it's definitely worth exploring. Thanks for the idea, I'll want to do it on our next Agnes trip."

I've often stared at that area on the map and thought to myself "I'll bet nobody ever goes there". It's on my list also. It reminds me of the east channel on Alice (BW) where my brother and I sat and yanked up walleyes and smallmouth for a couple of days...never seeing another canoe.
04/06/2011 09:18PM
quote snakecharmer: "quote Ho Ho: "Sorry, I don't have any information, but I have to think that if it is a dead end - then it's definitely worth exploring. Thanks for the idea, I'll want to do it on our next Agnes trip."
I've often stared at that area on the map and thought to myself "I'll bet nobody ever goes there"."

We were thinking the same thing, and I'm intrigued by the areas most people just paddle by because they're out of the way.