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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Route comments
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04/20/2011 07:25AM
Thank you. I'll check all this with an outfitter but I was trying to figure out if I could enter the water off the highway into Lerome Lake and go through the Sue Falls entry point and I guess artic confirms I can. Thought I would head west through Cirrus and then back east through Quetico, Oriana, Jesse or Hamburg, and north to Nym.


Thinking about early September but I have no idea of permits in this area this year. At least I'm flexible in dates and suspect I can find a midweek in September worst case.

05/19/2011 06:23PM
I doubt you will have trouble with permits at that time of year. I have been in through the Lerome Lake entry point. It is a wonderful trip and the last portage into Cirrus is a bit of a stinker but the beauty of Sue Falls will make it all worth while. You have already been given some wonderful route suggestions;yet, I would like to bring my wife up for entry here and paddle west to Quetico and then east through Kasakokwog, McAlpine, Batchewaung & Nym. You can even portage from Cirrus to Kasakokwog if you want. This is some big water but the prevailing winds will be with you most of the time.

I like to paddle, so I did all the way to French Lake on that trip.

I can't wait to read more about your trip. :+]
04/19/2011 12:32PM
I plan to head to Atikokan for a weeks solo and was looking at entering around Cirrus or Quetico and exiting around Batchewaung Lake. Might go opposite direction. Also was trying to figure out if I could enter closer to Atikokan through the crownland north of Sue Falls and head in that way. First solo - probably 4 or 5 nights. I'd like a layover day. With my son we tend to average 12-15 miles a day (average over trip including layover days) but
assume I'll be slower alone.
04/19/2011 07:25PM
It's definitely doable, but I don't have a map handy to give you any specific suggestions. I know Nym entry point would work, but there's another spot or two that would work as well.

Others may respond before I check the map, but I like the idea for your solo trip.
04/19/2011 08:06PM
You can enter the park via a chain of lakes that extends down from the Trans-Canada west of Atikokan. The route starts at Lerome Lake and heads down to Cirrus, entering near Sue Falls.

Years ago, a friend and I did a ski-camping trip to Cirrus and Soho Lakes via that route.

A five day paddle could include several route options, including Cirrus, Quetico, Kasakokwog, and Jean Lakes, with at least three options of getting back to Batchewaung/Nym Lakes for your take-out.

There is evidence of the old pine-logging days over much of that part of the park.
05/19/2011 07:45PM
The folks at QJ convinced me to plan a route with a bail out option so am looping out of BH - head towards sue falls, portage to Kasakokwog, back to Quetico, and if I make it that far, head to SW end of BH.
04/19/2011 08:21PM
Get dropped off at Nym, go thru Bachewaung,pickerel,maria jesse, elizabeth,walter, lonely, sturgeon, then head back out thru twin lakes, dore,pickerel and out at stanton bay on pickerel. You will need someone to pick you up there, they can also have your permits when you arrive (saves you MONEY) or loop back up and come back out on nym (saves you the shuttle fee) Send me an E-mail if you need dropped off or picked up. Anthony