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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados :: Earl to McIntyre/north end.
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04/21/2011 10:03AM
Ho Ho,
That happens when you both have a window open to post.... but QP took much longer to finish his post....the posts appear in the order of when the orriginal reply window is opened.....don't know why it works that way just does. I really am enjoying this post, we are headed to Earl in June, don't know if we will go to McIntyre or not but this is great information. Thanks, everyone.;-)
04/20/2011 09:01PM
I have done the Earl>McIntyre portage that originate at the south end of Earl but would like to try the one that starts out of the NE bay on Earl and ends on the long, narrow NW bay of McIntyre. I think Bogwalker, Nibi Mocs and crew did this a few years ago. Anyone have any current information?

04/20/2011 09:49PM
Check with Ho Ho.... he has a trip report and fairly recent info.
04/20/2011 10:09PM
Perfect--you guys are the best!
04/20/2011 09:49PM
From my trip journal in 2003 with Nibi and Bogs.

The portage on the east shore, on the south end of Fishhook Lake going towards McIntyre was easily spotted. But we were going to the north end of the lake to get to McIntyre Lake. None of the portages were marked on the Fisher Maps. But on my older Quetico map they were.
Up in the northeast bay, on Earl, we found the portage. Fairly easy to spot, it was marked with a stack of rocks. There is a small, very small campsite there beside the portage. But it’s only a good spot if you enjoy putting your tent on solid rock for the night. Would certainly due in a pinch. The portage is marked "blaze" and the trail has been used but nothing like the other portages on this trip. It was a mostly flat portage across a grassy rocky area. Ending at a small waterfall on the other side.

The next portage was located near a large rock wall about 50 feet above the water. The portage climbs along side the wall then up into a flat area, which has a swampy area to cross.

The next portage is the hardest. The portage was marked with blaze marks on two different trees. Starts out flat then slightly climbing and continues to climb to a swampy log crossing. On top of the hill it follows along a few rock ledges which if you don’t pay attention to the rock pile markers along the way, you’ll get off the trail. Then about 100 feet above Mc Intyre Lake the portage drops steeply. Over a rock filled trail that is so overgrown that it’s hard to tell where you are going at times or if it is actually a portage at all.

First Portage

Second Portage

Third Portage

McIntyre Lake from the last portage.

Ho Ho
04/20/2011 09:55PM
quote bojibob: "Check with Ho Ho.... he has a trip report and fairly recent info."

You beat me to it, boji. Here's the link to the relevant day of the 2008 report. It's a fantastic route. As you will see, we went the opposite way, from McIntyre toward Earl. Watch out for the ankle twisting boulders at the third portage on the Earl end.

04/21/2011 07:39AM
Thanks QP!
04/21/2011 08:31AM
The first portage out of McIntyre begins with quite the climb. Only time my ears have popped on both trips of a double portage. Beautiful route.
Ho Ho
04/21/2011 09:34AM
Just an aside about the workings of this site - when I posted my response, the only other reply was bojibob's. Nothing from QP at that point. But then QP's post was above boji's when I looked again later. How did that happen? Anyway - nice pics, Bo!